" Psyduck the Duck Pokemon. It is a Water type. If its usual headache worsens, it starts exhibiting odd powers. It can't remember doing so, however. "
Rize: So it's called a Psyduck huh? It's a pretty cute Pokemon!
Swimmer Kevin: Yeah Psyduck is my favourite! How can you don't know about a Psyduck that you have to check it with that weird device of yours?
Rize: Well I'm from the Hoenn region and we don't have Psyduck there. There are lots of Pokemon I never knew and see before in Kanto so I'm so excited what kind of Legendary Pokemon I'll meet!
Swimmer Kevin: I see... Well here we are! We have finally arrived at Seafoam Island!

Rize: This place is cold! Hm what Pokemon is that?

Swimmer Kevin: It's Seel. The fact that Seel are living here that means this place have lots of Ice and Water Pokemon!
" Seel the Sea Lion Pokemon. It is a Water type. Seel is a Pokemon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice. "
Rize: That means the Legendary Pokemon could probably be a Water type or an Ice type! Let's check around the island!
Suddenly an unknown voice emerged.
???: You're not going anywhere Rize!
Rize and Swimmer Kevin was surprised by the voice and the man showed himself
???: Suprised? I'm sure you're wondering who I am. I've been following and keeping an eye on you for quite awhile. And finally I can confirm to the boss that you are Rize from Hoenn that messed our organization's plan in Johto! Who would have know that following you would bring me to the Legendary Pokemon's hideout!
Rize: Organization?! Plan in Johto?! Are you with Team Rocket?!
Rocket Spy: Indeed! I'm one of the top Rocket Spy! So you've finally come to Kanto, you need to be taken care off if not you're going to mess with our Grand Plan!
Rize: Oh yeah?! What're you going to do?! What's Team Rocket Grand Plan anyway?!
Rocket Spy: That's a top secret.. now altough the Boss didn't order me to finish you off I'm going to take the initiative myself. Huhuhu..
The Rocket Spy sent out his Pokemon.

Rize:What Pokemon's that?!
" Omastar the Spiral Pokemon. It is a Rock and Water type. It is thought that this Pokemon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large. "
Swimmer Kevin: Impossible! That's Omastar the pre-historic Pokemon! It is very rare and known to have been extinct!
Rocket Spy: Omastar! Spike Cannon to the the surrounding and destroy everything in sight!
Rize: What the hell is he doing?!
The Omastar used Spike Cannon and fire it to the surrounding of the caves and the island making terrible chaos to the island.
Rocket Spy: Hahaha Fool! The Legendary Pokemon that lives here is Articuno and it acts as a guardian to this island! You're screwed! Hahaha!(The Rocket Spy left the island)
Rize: He ran away?! I thought he wanted to finish me?!
Swimmer Kevin: I think I got what he means! Look! It's the Legendary Pokemon Articuno and it seems extremely angry! It must have thought that we are the one who have been causing these great mess!

" Articuno the Freeze Pokemon. It is an Ice and Flying type. A legendary bird Pokemon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air. "
The Articuno began to attack Rize and Swimmer Kevin by charging from the air. Rize and Swimmer Kevin managed to avoid the attack then it begin firing its Ice Beam attack on them.
Swimmer Kevin: Watch out! It's Articuno's Ice Beam! Once hit you're guaranteed to be froze to death!
Rize and Swimmer Kevin avoided the Ice Beam attack but Articuno kept on firing.
Rize: Articuno it's not us! The culprit have escaped! Really!
Articuno ignored Rize's words and kept attacking.
Rize: I guess it's no use talking! Allright! I'm going to beat you and capture you! Articuno!
Rize have decided to counter attack and catch the wild Legendary Articuno! Will he succeed in catching the Legendary Pokemon?!
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