Swimmer Kevin: Is it too much even for a Legendary Pokemon?
Rize: There must be something we can do! "Sandshrew is a Ground type! Electricity will not affect it at all!" Sandshrew go! Use Slash to break the cage and free Articuno!
Rocket Spy: Do you think I will let you?! Omastar Hydro Pump!
Omastar fired a powerful Hydro Pump and Sandshrew was knocked out before it can try to break the cage.
Rize: No! "Now what?! Gotta take care of him and Omastar first!" Articuno I will definitely get you out of the cage! Just hold on!
Articuno was shocked that Rize is trying to help it free itself. It become guilty of attacking Rize earlier and could sense Rize's sincere feeling in it.
Swimmer Kevin: We gotta take care of the Rocket and Omastar first! I'll help too! Tentacool go!

Rize: Bulbasaur! Poliwrath! Charmeleon! Give it up! You're outnumbered!
Rocket Spy: Oh really?! Kabutops go help Omastar!

" Kabutops the Shellfish Pokemon. It is a Rock and Water type. It is thought that this Pokemon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land. "
Swimmer Kevin: He got another rare ancient Pokemon! Tentacool Poison Sting!
Rize: Bulbasaur Razor Leaf!
Omastar blocked the Poison Sting with Spike Cannon and Kabutops dodged Bulbasaur's Razor Leaf and attacked it with X-Scissor and knocked Bulbasaur out in a single hit. Omastar then used Spike Cannon on Tentacool, Poliwrath and Jolteon and Tentacool was knocked out. The rest of Rize's Pokemon that still remain are not in a good shape.
Swimmer: Tentacool! Rize I'm sorry!
Rocket Spy: Hahaha! Numbers don't decide the battle I guess.
Rize: Jolteon use Shock Wave on both of them!
Jolteon used Shock Wave but Omastar and Kabutops managed to avoid it.
Rize: "Jolteon's electric attack will do the thing if it can land a hit! Wait! Jolteon's an electric type! If I'm not mistaken Jolteon's special ability is..." Jolteon come back here! Poliwrath and Charmeleon go take them heads on! Hey Rocket let's do a fair double battle!
Rocket Spy: Are you sure about that? In that case Omastar Kabutops go!
Poliwrath and Charmeleon takes Omastar and Kabutops head on and they're having quite an intense battle.
Rize: "Please hold on Poliwrath! Charmeleon!"
Rocket Spy: I got enough playing games with you! I have to go back to the Headquarter. Omastar and Kabutops use Ancient Power and finish them!
Omastar and Kabutops used Ancient Power and blow away Poliwrath and Charmeleon knocking them unconcious.
Rocket Spy: Hahaha! You're a goner now! Now your last Pokemon! Eh? Wait! Where's your Jolteon?!
Unknown from the Rocket Spy, Jolteon have been secretly went to the electric cage and used its special ability and absorbed all of the electric power from the electric cage until there's no more power left in it and Articuno is free to break out of the cage and it flew high to the sky breaking out from the cage.
Rocket Spy: What?!
Rize: That's right! Jolteon's special ability is Volt Absorb! Now use all that power on them! Shock Wave!
Jolteon with so much electricity charged from the electric cage unleashed the most powerful and biggest electric attack and thus it did not use Shock Wave as commanded but it learned to use a new electric move which is Thunder! Articuno too attack with its most powerful attack in its arsenal which is Blizzard. Omastar and Kabutops was knocked out instantly but the Rocket Spy have escaped flying on another prehistoric Pokemon, Aerodactyl, abandoning Omastar and Kabutops.

" Aerodactyl the Fossil Pokemon. It is a Rock and Flying type. A Pokemon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades. "
Swimmer Kevin: We did it! We freed Articuno! But too bad the bad guy escaped!
Rize: That's no big deal! As long as Articuno is free from their evil hand!
Articuno landed and stand near them and made friend with Rize.
Swimmer Kevin: It looks like it understand that we're not the bad guy here haha.. But still.. I wonder where do that guy got all those ancient prehistoric Pokemon from..
Rize: Could it be that he's the culprit for stealing the Pokemon Fossils back in Pewter Museum??
Swimmer Kevin: That's possible!
Rize: Anyway Articuno is back to full health, it must have used Roost from the time it was inside the cage to heal its injuries.
Swimmer Kevin decided to stay in the island and take care of Omastar and Kabutops injury. As an apology and a way to thank Rize, Articuno lended him a help to have a flight on its back to Rize next destination town which is the nearby Cinabar Island. Cinabar Island is where the next gym is located.
Tentacool Lv.30
ReplyDeleteBulbasaur Lv.38
Poliwrath Lv.44
Charmeleon Lv.43
Jolteon Lv.37
Omastar Lv.45
Kabutops Lv.47