Saturday, July 30, 2011

Chapter 76 - Pokemon School at Floe Island


   Floe island, the last and only island that have not been visited by our heroes. It is a rather small island with few populations of humans and Pokemon residing on the island. Apart from people's houses and local stores, there is only an Ice cave where Ice type Pokemon resides. Rize and Ryussei went to this island together with Vinnie and sent her Pokemon Trainer School where she studies at. Children from the age of three have to go to Pokemon School to learn basic knowledge about Pokemon and how to train them properly and stuffs. It is a place where children learn to be Pokemon Trainer. The children have to study in the school until they graduated which is at the age of ten. The very next year on the age of eleven they are legitimate to have their own Pokemon and start their own journeys and participates in Gym and League battles.

  There are many children ranging from the age of three to ten wandering around the school playground field. Since Vinnie is already in her last year of school, she have to learn lesson in classroom learning about Pokemon in theory. Rize and Ryussei escorted her to her classroom. They opened the door and Vinnie reached her class safely, to their surprise, they saw Lorelei of the Elite 4 inside the classroom. Rize was all surprised and approached Lorelei.
  'Ms.Lorelei of the Elite 4! What're you doing here?'
Lorelei then answered him in surprise as well.
  'My my, aren't you the kid on the ferry I met and battled last time? Apart from being an Elite 4, I work here as a teacher in my hometown, Floe island Pokemon School. What're you doing in the school anyway? '
'We're just sending our little friend Vinnie here. Hey let's battle again! I'm much stronger now!'

  Without any hestitation, Rize challenged Lorelei of the Elite 4 to battle once again. He was confident because of possessing the secret ultimate move now and wanted to compare how much he have improved ever since that time. However, it looks like he have to be disappointed as Lorelei rejected his challenge. Lorelei said that it is not the right time as she have class to teach. Aside from that, an Elite 4 member can't accept challenges from normal Trainers freely as they like too.

  Just before Rize was about to leave, Lorelei have an idea and stopped him from leaving. She told him that since he's here she want him along with Ryussei to display all of their Pokemon in hand to her students so that the students can play and study from real live Pokemon that they can feel and touch. Rize and Ryussei agreed to the proposal. The students were all excited as they are about to play with real Pokemon. All of them and the students went outside to the outdoor field and they sent out all of their Pokemon from their respective Pokeballs. Rize sent out Charizard, Jolteon, Bulbasaur, Pidgeot, Poliwrath and Sandslash while Ryussei sent out his Venusaur, Golduck, Ninetales, Snorlax, Vaporeon, Golem and Lapras specially on the small pond of the outdoor field.

  The children was really pumped and excited as they rarely got a session that allow them to play with real Pokemon. Many boys came around Charizard and Venusaur as both of them are the final evolved form of the Kanto starters. Some tried to ride on Lapras and Pidgeot's back. Pidgeot allow up to three kids to ride on its back and fly around the air not so high up from the ground level as it might be dangerous if the kids fall. Few kids are playing bouncing on Snorlaxs' big bouncy stomach but Snorlax didn't feel a thing at all as it is soundly asleep. When a Snorlax is asleep, it is very difficult to wake it up. While the boys go and play with the bigger and scarier looking Pokemon, the girls prefer to play with the charming elegant beauty like Ninetales and adorable Pokemon like Jolteon, Vaporeon and Bulbasaur. Everyone is all out and happy to play together on  the school field under the dazzling sunlight. However, right at the corner of the field, there is one boy who looks so quiet and gloomy. He didn't join and blend with the others playing with the Pokemon group. The observant Rize saw the boy at the corner as he scanned the whole surrounding.

  He felt that the boy is all lonely and was too shy to come and play together with the Pokemon so he decided to approached him first instead along with his Sandslash. Rize came running to him but the boy saw it and he began to run away from its spot. Upon seeing the boy running away, Rize gave a faster run to chase him but Lorelei asked him to stop chasing the boy. The moment Rize stopped running and pursuing the boy, the boy stopped running as well and stand still on his new spot. Lorelei then came to Rize and spoke to him.
  'The more you tried the more he will resist. I've tried it many times but luck was not on my side. That boy named Frederick, he's a quiet and reserved boy. He have no friends and whenever anybody from the class tried to talk to him, he will just kept quiet and ignored him or her. He do talk but only to a certain people.' Rize replied ' So you mean you just gave up on him? '
  'I have talked and asked with his parents but his parents said that he behaved the same way in home as in school. He never want to go near and play with any Pokemon. However, in spite of his attitude towards Pokemon, his grades are first class and the top in the class.'

  A few things came in mind to Rize's head and he began to observe the boy named Frederick more carefully. He called his gentle and friendly Bulbasaur to always stay near the boy but try not to scare him at all. Things didn't go smooth as expected at first as Frederick still distant itself with Bulbasaur. Rize perceived that the boy to be a very shy kid so he told everyone to leave him alone with the Bulbasaur and act as if he is not there at all. Bulbasaur was just sunbathing peacefully on its spot. The sun is setting and school time's over, yet Frederick still didn't react and respond to Bulbasaur at all. All the children was dismissed and went home to their respective houses. Ryussei told Rize that they should send Vinie home and head back to the mainland of Kanto but Rize refused to, not until he managed to get Frederick to play with Pokemon.
  'I really didn't understand of that trait of yours. He's just a nobody, why do you care so much of that kid?' Asked Ryussei in a confused and irritated tone.
  'I can't leave him alone like that. I will not abandon him. It sadden me when someone couldn't get along with Pokemon.'
Ryussei ridiculed him but he still stay behind with Rize after all. The next day, they came once more to the Pokemon School. The children was all excited as they get to play with real Pokemon again but only Frederick who was standing alone in the corner with Rize's Bulbasaur near him. This time the children was taught a little bit about Pokemon battling by Lorelei and practice some battling. At the end of the day, Frederick still didn't react to Bulbasaur but somehow the distant of them became closer and closer.
  The next day, Rize and Ryussei again came to school and resumed the same activity. This time, Frederick slowly began to feel safe and started to grow fond towards Bulbasaur. He bagan to observe Bulbasaur closely and began patting its head. Rize's Bulbasaur was a nice and gentle Pokemon to begin with and responded to him in a friendly manner. They soon play together and without Frederick noticing everyone was looking at him and Bulbasaur playing together. As he became aware of it, he began to withdrew back to his shell but Rize then came to him saying that is okay for him to play with Pokemon as Pokemon are good and friendly depending on the Trainer who raised it. Every children and all the Pokemon cheered and welcomed him warmly to play together with  them and Frederick was moved and gladly accepted the invitation. Frederick even participated in practice battle but he only wanted to battle using Rize's Bulbasaur and indeed, he is quite a skilled Trainer and have a quick grasp of battling and pass the practical battle test.
  The day was about to end, Lorelei thanked Rize with gratitude for helping Frederick out of his phobia. Rize told the children that they will be leaving Sevii island today and went back to mainland of Kanto. They all thanked Rize and Ryussei for spending time with them and being so nice to lend their Pokemon. However, Frederick was not happy at all about this as he have to part way with Bulbasaur. He wanted to spend more time with Bulbasaur and cried. Tears began to roll down from his eye to his cheeks and Bulbasaur just conforted him with its vine and walked to Rize. Rize came to Frederick, bent down his knee so that his eye level would be the same with Frederick and began to talk to him. 'Frederick, I know that it's hard for you to depart from a new friend but Bulbasaur is my Pokemon to begin with and we already have to go. I really know how you feel right now but it is not the end as after you graduate from this school, if you remain to still be the top in the class you can receive and choose the three starter Pokemon and Bulbasaur was among them.
  'Sob-- rea.. really?' Frederick answered out of his tears.
  'Yes! And that means you can have your very own Bulbasaur! I'm sure you can do it!' Convinced Rize.
Frederick stopped crying and promised Rize that he will get his own Bulbasaur and become a great Trainer. He even challenged Rize for a battle one day and Rize agreed to it. They then left the school and sent Vinie back to her home first as Ryussei persisted as it is not safe for her to went back alone but to Rize, that was just an excuse and not the main reason for him to do it as he knows that this friend of him is a pretty ignorant person and will not go to such extent if it doesn't have to do anything with him. So they sent Vinie back home safely and permit themselves to return to Kanto from Vinie's family.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Chapter 75 - Real Moments in the Berry Forest at Kin Island.


    Having disqualified from the Battle Frontier challenge, Rize and Ryussei are now at Kin island to explore and parted ways with Reinz as he still have to continue his Battle Frontier challenge. To be specific they are currently located at the Berry Forest picking up berries for Pokemon Food and ingredients.
   The Berry Forest is a forest with relatively big size of area and its very rich in its plants and greenery. It is home to many wild Pokemon that lives in the forest such as Pidgeys and Pidgeottos, and many more bugs and Grass type Pokemon. Even tough the people living on this island didn't nurture and took care of the forest at all, it is extremely fresh, neat and tidy as the wild Pokemon really took good care of their home in harmony. It is really a wonderful work of nature. Rize and Ryussei let all of their Pokemon to walk freely out of their Pokeball to enjoy the calm and relaxing natural environment. The Berry Forest was known to be rich and plenty of its berries. Not only ordinary berries but extremely rare and highly nutritious as well that it can only be found in this Berry Forest at Kin island.

   Rize decided to hunt for some berries for his Pokemon and for gifts to his mom at Hoenn and Ling, his good friend as he remembered that Ling needs these berries to groom her Pokemon for contests. While Rize was hunting for berries with his lovely Butterfree, Ryussei laid down on the green soft grass field and took a rest with his big and sleepy Snorlax and Ninetales. Its Snorlax fell asleep after eating tons of supply of the berries in this beautiful forest. Venusaur and Bulbasaur was sunbathing together enjoying the warm sunlight that pierced through the woods of the forest. Golem was wandering around the forest with Sandslash and Jolteon. Not far to their north, there's a little pond, Vaporeon, Golduck, Lapras and Poliwrath were gathering together and played water. Pidgeot is resting alone high up on the tree and the dazzling sunlight made its shiny body sparkles. Hold on, where's Charizard you might wonder? Due to Rize fear of its flame on its tail might cause fire, it is sent to Prof.Oak and switched over with Butterfree. Poor Charizard not to be able to enjoy this great resort place.

  The wild Pokemon that were living in the forest was friendly and made friends with their Pokemon and played together peacefully. Some of the Pokemon in this forest have a different pattern and colour to than usual. Maybe it is due to the good food and environment this place provided. It is really a beautiful scenery and a very peaceful day with fine weather. Rize have gathered quite a satisfactory amounts of berries to bring back with him. Ryussei was surprised to see the amount of berries that Rize took. His bag was overloaded with all of different kinds of berries.

  It is now time for lunch. They ate the berries that they have gathered along with their Pokemon and the wild Pokemon. They all was delightedly eating their meals together. Rize then began to start a conversation with Ryussei as Ryussei is a type of person that didn't talk much.
Rize: You know, it was this period of time that I call real moments in life. It is just nice with everyone hanging out together, sharing, enjoying the meal, played and have fun together. There were no hardships and we don't have to strife to live. I really enjoy life like this.
Ryussei: Yeah? But too bad, in this evil world of ours where crime is rising, wicked people is growing in numbers everyday. Soon maybe this kind of place will not exist anymore.
Rize raised its eyebrow and asked Ryussei what made him think and see the world as he said.
Ryussei: Ever since I found out and encountered with Team Rocket, my view in life of this world has changed. I use to think that this world is all good and peace is everywhere where everybody is all kind and supporting with each other. But then I learned that evil people like Team Rocket existed, I begin to doubt people more and there must be more evil organization and people around this world of ours.

  Rize was so surprised to hear what Ryussei have said. He never thought that a person who was seen to be so ignorant and carefree like Ryussei could have a perception and view to the world like that. Rize then changed the topic to Pokemon battling. Stuffs like how is the beginning of adventures and journeys and they shared stories from their experience of traveling.
Ryussei: I first started to travel at the age of 11 after getting my first starter from Proffesor Oak. As you have know I picked Bulbasaur the grass starter.
Rize: Yeah I knew. Bulbasaur is a cool Pokemon and that's why I have one too, but what made you chose it? Are you just favouring Grass type Pokemon or you just like Bulbasaur out of the three starter? From what I notice of you, you have lots of Water type Pokemon. You must be a fans of Water-type so why didn't you pick Squirtle?
Ryussei: Actually I was planning to pick Squirtle that time but Reinz picked it before me! Reinz have been my rival ever since we are in Pokemon Trainer School. We compete in marks and grades but I always lost to him. That's why I picked Bulbasaur to beat him and his Squirtle! But I have not been able to defeat him not even once.
Rize: I see.. rivals huh? Cool you've been rivals since you're in Pokemon Trainer School! I have no rival at all during my time in Pokemon school well that's because nobody was able to keep up with me in school. But I do have a rival that I have never defeat yet too. He's just overwhelmingly powerful. People even calls him genius. But Reinz is also strong! In the end I lost to him too even after getting informations from you. Ah yes, I happen to be a fans of Water-type as well and my first starter is Mudkip. What made you like the Water-type?
Ryussei: Nothing special. I just like to swim. I like Pokemon that can swim and swimming together with your Pokemon is very fun.
Rize: You're right! Doing your pastime with your Pokemon is a very fun entertainment aside from battling!
Ryussei: You're from Hoenn right? I've never been there before so I have never seen any of Pokemon from Hoenn except for Salamence back at the Mt.Ember incident. I would like to see and battle them! You must have lots of Pokemon from Hoenn that I never see.
Rize: Yeah I do! Alright then! If I happen to be battling you in the upcoming League, I will use my Pokemon from Hoenn.

  The cool and quiet Ryussei was so different and talked quite a lot about his adventures, how he met and captured each of his Pokemon and many more. After a good meal and conversation, time passed and the sun is setting. They plan to go back to Boon island where Vinnie lived to give them some of the berries as their sign of gratefulness to them that they were given a place to stay that time and a nice dinner as well. Not only that, it is also thanks to Vinnie's father that they now have inherited the secret ultimate move.

Viera: Ah thanks so much for the berries! We love the berries from the Berry forest and we often went as a whole family to have a picnic.

  Rize told Viera that they will be leaving Sevii island tomorrow after exploring the last island which is Floe island. It is the only island  that they have not visit. Viera then suggested them to go there together with his daughter Vinnie as Floe island is where his daughter's Pokemon Trainer School is. And so they once again spent their night at Viera's house. Vinnie was so happy to meet with Ryussei again and so do Ryussei. Well at least, that's what Rize perceived from his viewpoint.