Lambda: Sir! I'm sorry that our plan in Lavender's Pokemon Tower was ruined. It was all because of that boy!!
Rocket Boss: Boy??
Lambda: Yes! That boy knew about us Team Rocket! What should we do about him?!
Rocket Boss: ... Anyway we got enough funds for our grand project! Now I have a new mission for all of you, I want you to find this extreme rare Pokemon!
The Rocket Boss showed a little charming pink coloured Pokemon on the projector screen.
Lambda&Grunts: Roger Sir!!
Meanwhile, Rize have arrived into Celadon Gym and register for a Gym battle.
Rize: Whoaa there's so many girls and women here! As expected for a Grass type Gym! There's lots of Grass type Pokemon I never see before too!

Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Rika the representative for Celadon Gym is about to begin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle and only the challenger is allowed to switch Pokemon!
Rika: Tangela go!

" Tangela the Vine Pokemon. It is a Grass type. It is shrouded by blue vines. No one has seen the face hidden behind this growth of vines. "
Rize: I'll fight with my own Grass type! Bulbasaur go!

Rika: Tangela use Ingrain!
Tangela planted its root on the ground.
Rize: I don't know what you're up to but I'm going to beat you! Bulbasaur use Razor Leaf and cut those vines! Let's unmasked that Tangela and see its true face!
Bulbasaur used Razor Leaf and hit Tangela hard.
Rika: Constrict attack!
Tangela attacked with its vine and trying to reel Bulbasaur.
Rize: Use Razor Leaf to cut those vines!
Bulbasaur used Razor Leaf and the Constrict attack failed to reach Bulbasaur.
Rize seems to be getting the upper hand and keep attacking Tangela while Bulbasaur have not yet receive any damage but there is something strange.
Rize: " I've been attacking that Tangela so many times but yet it's still able to battle! I know that Grass type moves are not effective to Grass type but this is too weird!
Rika: Have you finally realized?! Tangela is gaing its health back from the roots we planted by using Ingrain. Tangela keeps on healing itself while your Bulbasaur is losing its energy and is exhausted!
Rize: What?! "So this is her strategy! Endurance huh?!" Fine! Bulbasaur Poison Powder!
Bulbasaur used Poison Powder and Tangela is poisoned.
Rika: Oh no!
Rize: Oh yes! Bulbasaur Razor Leaf once more!
Bulbasaur used Razor Leaf and with the poison damage Tangela is finally defeated!
Referee: Tangela is unable to battle! Bulbasaur wins!
Rika: I got careless! Now's your end for your Bulbasaur! Ivysaur go teach that little a thing or two!

" Ivysaur the Seed Pokemon and the evolved form of Bulbasaur. It is a Grass and Poison type. When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower's coming bloom. "
Rize: Ivysaur! The evolved form of Bulbasaur!
Rize have defeated his opponent's first Pokemon but he is now facing an Ivysaur the evolved form of Bulbasaur. Will the intimidated Bulbasaur have a chance?!
Rize: It doesn't matter! Evolved form must not be necessary to be stronger than us! Bulbasaur use Leech Seed!
Bulbasaur used Leech Seed but Ivysaur is unaffected by it.
Rika: You wanna zap our power with that?! Come on.. I'll show you how it's done to zap your opponent's energy! Giga Drain!
Ivysaur used Giga Drain and sucked all of Bulbasaur's remaining energy and Bulbasaur is knocked out.
Rika: Next please.. oh but please don't use any Bug or Fire Pokemon! I hate them!
Rize: Bulbasaur you did your best! Flying is okay then? Pidgeotto your turn!

Rika: It's as bad as Fire and Bug! Ivysaur Razor Leaf!
Rize: Pidgeotto Gust attack!
Ivysaur's Razor Leaf was repelled by Pidgeotto's Gust attack.
Rika: Vine Whip!
Rize: Dodge and use Aerial Ace!
Ivysaur was hit with powerful Aerial Ace by Pidgeotto and knocked out.
Rika: Poor Ivysaur! Look what you've done! Vileplume go!

" Vileplume the Flower Pokemon and the evolved form of Gloom. It is a Grass and Poison type. Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen. "
Rize: " That's weird, Ling's Gloom evolved into a Bellossom and not a Vileplume. " No matter what you brings out, Pidgeotto will beat them all! Aerial Ace!
Rika: Is it?! Protect!
Vileplume created a Protect barrier and avoid damage from Aerial Ace.
Rize: Tch! That's dirty!
Rika: Sludge Bomb!
Pidgeotto was hit with Sludge Bomb and poisoned badly.
Rika: Hidden Power!
Pidgeotto was knocked out with the Hidden Power attack.
Rika: My Vileplume's Hidden Power is Electric type! I prepared it to face flying Pokemon user like you!
Rize: Yeah! But you don't have any Hidden Power of Water right? Charmander go!

Rize: It's over! Flamethrower!
Rika: Protect!
Vileplume hold itself against the Flamethrower using Protect.
Rize: Keep the flame going! Keep using Flamethrower! That thing won't be able to keep its Protect any longer!
Vileplume's Protect barrier wore off and got hit and burned with Flamethrower and knocked out.
Referee: Charmander wins! Victory goes to Rize the challenger!
Rika: This is really unfair!!!

Erika: It's all fair Rika! It's already our risk of choosing Grass Pokemon and our duty to find ways to win against disadvantage.. Nice battle Rize! Here is your Medium Rainbow badge!

Rize have now got 4 badges and he is halfway to go for the Kanto League!
Bulbasaur Lv.34
ReplyDeletePidgeotto Lv.33
Charmander Lv.35
Tangela Lv.30
Ivysaur Lv.36
Vileplume Lv.38