Rize: I've decided! Sandshrew go!

Hattori: Type advantage alone is not enough to beat me! Muk use Sludge Bomb!
Rize: Sandshrew use Rapid Spin!
Sandshrew used Rapid Spin and deflected all of Muk's Sludge Bomb and hit Muk with Rapid Spin but Muk blocked it with its body.
Hattori: Body Slam now!
Muk got Sandshrew totally covered. Just when they think they've won Sandshrew is no longer there and there is a hole on the Gym's battle field.
Rize: Allright! Dig attack go!
Sandshrew came out from the same hole and attacked Muk with a super effective Dig attack. It looks like Sandshrew avoided Muk's Body Slam attack by using Dig.
Hattori: Muk use Sludge Bomb!
Rize: Dig!
Sandshrew dodged the Sludge Bomb and attack with Dig attack. However this time instead of attacking with Dig, Sandshrew used a brand new move which is Sand Tomb and made Muk to be trapped in Sands. Muk got hit by the Sands alot of times and it's super effective.
Rize: Awesome! You learned a new move!
Hattori: Muk no!!
Muk couldn't take the attacks anymore and out of the battle.
Referee: Muk is down! Rize and Sandshrew is the winner!

Janine: It's a very good battle! You have great potential to be a Ninja! Here's your Medium Soul badge.

Rize: Thanks! Really?! I'm quite impressed and interested with the Ninja so do you think I can train here a little and learn more about Ninja?
Janine: You're most welcome! Hattori will be happy about it too!
Hattori: Yea I wanna learn more about battling from you!
So Rize stayed in the Fuschia Gym to train and learn more about Ninja and Pokemon battles! Sharing information, experiences, exchanging knowledge and skills! Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto and Butterfree learned new moves and Rize's team is now more powerful!
Sandshrew Lv.34
ReplyDeleteMuk Lv.38