Canis Majoris: Fufufu.. what a surprise.. here I thought that you all would be fighting me together and look now I only have to fight small fly alone?
Reinz: You talk big! Show me what you really got! We won't be using such dirty method like that! We are not like you!
Canis Majoris was taunted and provoked by Reinz' words and sent out his Pokemon to battle. Its a surprise that the Pokemon that he sent out was not known to Reinz as it is not a Pokemon you would be able to find in the locals of Kanto region. It is a Pokemon from Rize' home region, Salamence.
Reinz: What Pokemon is that?! (Reinz checked the Pokemon with his Pokedex)
Rize: It's a Salamence! It's a Dragon type and a really powerful one! Be careful!
Rize: This is nothing! Victreebell use Razor Leaf!
Canis Majoris: Are you kidding me? You plan to bring down my Salamence with a weak attack like that? Salamence Flamethrower!
Salamences' Flamethrower attack burnt down Victreebell's Razor Leaf attack and the fire continues charging right into Victreebell. Reinz did not just stand there and let his Victreebell bunt down, he commanded his Arcanine to protect Victreebell and took the Flamethrower attack all by itself. Arcanine absorbed the Flamethrower attack and increases its own fire power with its Flash Fire ability. Knowing that Victreebell won't be much help, Reinz decided to put it back into its ball.
Canis Majoris: Hoo.. you're quite skilled.. how bout this then.. Salamence Hydro Pump!
Reinz: Use Fire Blast to blast it off!
The Hydro Pump and Fire Blast attack collided however, despite the powered up Fire Blast attack, the Hydro Pump still able to break through the fire and Arcanine was instantly knocked out by its tremendous power. Reinz quickly returned it back to its Pokeball.
Rize: Switch to a Flying Pokemon! It's too difficult to fight a Flying type in a place like this! If we're not careful we might fell down to the bottom of the mountain or the volcano!
Reinz: I've no flying Pokemon with me! Blastoise you're my only hope!
Canis Majoris: Fool.. Salamence Thunder attack!
Salamence fired a Thunder attack from above and strike it towards Blastoise, Reinz commanded his Blastoise to use Protect to completely avoid the damage from Thunder.
Canis Majoris: Haha, how long do you think you can keep protecting yourself like that? You won't win if you're just defending you know.. another Thunder attack, Salamence!
However, before Salamence could finish launching its Thunder attack, a Flamethrower attack suddenly was thrown into Salamence and Salamence was hit by it thus failed to attack with Thunder. It was Charizard with Rize riding on its back that attacked Salamence.
Rize: Reinz! We'll switch role here, you protect the Moltres while I take this guy and his Salamence!
Reinz: Got it!
Canis Majoris: So the other fly is now challenging me.. interesting..
Canis Majoris got up to his Salamence and ride on its back as well, an aerial fight between both Pokemon and Trainer is taking place.
Rize: Charizard use Dragon Breath!
Charizard attacked with Dragon Breath but Salemence dodged it swiftly, Rize and Charizard keep chasing after it with Dragon Breath attack. Salamence kept dodging and fly further away from their original fight place.
Rize: " This is weird, we're getting further away from Moltres. " Oh no! It's a trap!
Canis Majoris: That's right! You just realized it now?! Salamence Hydro Pump!
Salamence attacked while Rize and Charizard was off guard and it was hit by the attack and they fell down from the air. Canis Majoris left them and fly back to where Moltres was at with an evil laugh.
Canis Majoris: I've gotten rid of your friend, give up Moltres to me now!
Ryussei: Rize!
Reinz: Not like I would let that happen! Blastoise Ice Beam attack!
Blastoise attacked Salamence with a deadly Ice Beam attack that could really hurt Salamence, however, that is if it can land a clean hit on it.
Canis Majoris: I got enough of you flies! Prepare to perish! Salamence use Draco Meteor!
Salamence gathered its dragon energy and launched it towards the sky, the dragon energy ball bursted on mid air and showered the whole area like meteor.
Reinz: Blastoise!! Use Protect and cover all of us!!
Blastoise covered them all including Moltres inside its Protect barrier and shielded from the Draco Meteor attack. The attack was so powerful that it destroys the whole area and turned it into a mess. While they are inside the barrier, Moltres made a sound and tried to communicate with Reinz. It then pointed towards the volcano's mouth where the lava is still burning hot.
Ryussei: What is Moltres trying to say to us?
Reinz: I think I somehow understand what it means.. Machamp! Carry Moltres and threw it into the pool of magma at the mouth of the volcano!
After the Draco Meteor attack have subsided, Machamp immediately lifted the giant bird Pokemon with its mighty power of its four arms and carried it to the mouth of the volcano and threw it into the magma.
Ryussei: What do you think you're doing?? You're killing Moltres!
Reinz: Don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine.
Canis Majoris: Hahaha.. so you're so desperate that you don't want it to fall into my hand and decided to wipe off its existence instead?! You're one crazy kid! You've just killed a Legendary Pokemon! You're going to get arrested or even sentenced to death!
At that time, Rize survived and have made his way back to the top of the mountain and re-joining the battle. Reinz and Ryussei was relieved to find that Rize was still alive. Not long after that, the magma inside the volcano cratter began to shake. Moltres came out from the magma and flew up high into the air looking fresh and completely healed from its wound.
Canis Majoris: What?! How is this possible?!
Moltres immediately attacked Canis Majoris and his Salamence with the most powerful Overheat attack that our hero have ever see. It landed a clean shot at Salamence's belly and they were pushed far away from the force of the flame attack. Our heroes thought that sure put an end to Canis Majoris but they were wrong, Canis Majoris survived and fled with a jet pack on his back. They did managed to prevent Moltres falling into the hands of Team Rocket tough. Moltres landed back on top of Mt.Ember and thanked them all especially Reinz who contributed the most in saving its life. Moltres then blew a soft breath from its mouth and it turned out to be the sacred flame that Rize was looking for! The sacred flame was a warm glowing fiery stone and its fire won't burn and hurt and can't be put off. Rize told him that he needed it and that's the reason he came all the way to Mt.Ember, Moltres then gave another one of its sacred flame to Rize so that Reinz still got to keep the sacred flame for himself as a gift from Moltres.
Rize: By the way, what are you doing here in the first place Reinz?
Ryussei: Yeah that's what I wanna know too..
Reinz: Haha, first things first, let's get off this mountain first. I'll tell you the whole story later.
The three of them then said goodbye to Moltres as they are going to leave the mountain. However, Moltres offered them to ride on its back and sent them to the foot of the mountain in no time.
Victreebell Lv.42
ReplyDeleteCharizard Lv.47
Salamence Lv.63
Moltres Lv.70
Arcanine Lv.44