Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 25 - Shopaholic Girl!

After fully recovered, Rize left the Hospital in Lavender Town and resume on his journey throughout Kanto. Now he is on route 7 where he met with a Trainer girl trying to catch a wild Pokemon he never see before. Because of his curiousity, he decided to stand back and watch. The wild Pokemon appeared to be a Jiggilypuff the baloon Pokemon.

" Jiggilypuff the Baloon Pokemon and the evolved form of Igglybuff. When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy. "

Girl: This time I'm going to catch you for sure Jigglypuff! Squirtle go use Bubble Beam!

Rize: "Wow, she got a Squirtle!"

" Squirtle the Tiny Turtle Pokemon. It is a Water type.  It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity. "

The Jigglypuff dodged the Bubble Beam attack and started to sing.
Girl: Squirtle! Withdraw and hide in your shell!
Squirtle drawed into its shell to avoid the Sing attack but even tough it is already inside its shell the Sing attack still could be heard by Squirtle and Squirtle is put to sleep and the Jigglypuff just giggling away.
Girl: Oh noo...!
Rize stepped in to help the girl catch the wild Jigglypuff.
Rize: Need some help? Sandshrew go!
Girl: Eh??
The wild Jigglypuff started to sing and used Sing attack again.
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig into the ground!
Sandshrew dug into the ground and the Sing attack missed and attacked Jigglypuff from below the ground and knocked Jigglypuff. Rize told the girl to hurry and throw her Pokeball to get the Jigglypuff and the Jigglypuff was captured.
Girl: Yeay! I finally got a Jigglypuff! Thank you so much for helping me out! I'm Midori, 14 years.
Rize: No problem. I'm Rize 14 years too! I was just on my way to Celadon City and I saw you so I decided to help a little bit.
Midori: You're going to Celadon City?! I'm also going there! Why don't we go together then!
Rize and Midori went to Celadon City together and to his surprise, Celadon is a very big city like Saffron City and it have lots of department stores.
Rize: Allright! I'm going to the Celadon Gym!
Midori: No! Come with me first I'll show you around the city!
Rize agreed to follow her but instead of going round the city Midori went to the department stores and bought lots of stuffs until Rize have to carry lots of her stuffs for her.
Rize: Hey hey! Do you still plan to buy some more?! This is overloaded already!!
Midori: Just a few more...
Midori continue to shop for another 2 hours leaving Rize very exhausted.
Midori: Thanks for carrying my goods. Don't you want anything to buy in this big department store?
Rize: Well no, I'm not a shopaholic like you. =.=
Midori then gave Rize bottles of Pokemon supplement products.
Midori: They are supplements to make your Pokemon stronger! If you want to be the number 1 Trainer you just have to get your Pokemon drink these! (Showing the advertisement where the Kanto Champion promotes the product)
Rize: Oh wow! Thanks!Aren't these supplements very expensive?! This department store have some good stuff too afterall!
Midori: Ofcourse!! They even sell Rare strones to evolve Pokemon!
Rize: Wow! But all my Pokemon doesn't need any stones to evolve, anyway thanks for the gifts! I'm going to the Gym now! See you later Midori!
Rize parted ways with his new friend Midori and went to the Celadon Gym to get his 4th badge!

Chapter 24 - Calm the Marowak's Spirit! Defeat Team Rocket!

Rize is in great pinch battling against Team Rocket senior grunt, Lambda. With body seriously injured from Weezing's Explosion attack, who knows how long he will last? Suddenly a voice of a Marowak could be heard, a spirit of Marowak appeared looks restless and angry!
Lambda: Hahaha! It's the Marowak that we killed few weeks ago! You're still here?! Aren't you suppose to be in the afterlife?! Oh! Are you looking for this little guy?!

It was a baby Cubone looks very weak and helpless crying endlessly losing its mother Marowak. There are other Pokemon that was stolen by Team Rocket as well and an old man is also with them probably Mr.Fuji. The Spirit of Marowak can't do anything to help and begged Rize to stop Team Rocket and save her baby Cubone.
Rize and Poliwag saw how poor the Marowak and Cubone is and went in fury and Poliwag began to evolve!

" Poliwhirl the Tadpole Pokemon and the evolved form of Poliwag. It is a Water type. The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness. "

Lambda: What?! You think you got the upper hand now?! Hypno Hypnosis attack!
Rize: Poliwhirl! Use Hypnosis too!
Hypno and Poliwhirl begin to Hypnosis each other and both Pokemon fell asleep.
Rize: Bulbasaur now use Seed Bomb on that guy!
Lambda was hit with Bulbasaur's Seed Bomb.
Lambda: Aahh!! How dare you!
Luckily, the police have arrived into the scene and the whole Rocket Gang escaped when the police arrived. Rize then approached Cubone and Mr Fuji seeing that Cubone is now fine the spirit of the Marowak be calmed and went to the afterlife peacefully. Rize however fainted as he lost too much blood.
2 days later, Rize finally gain his consciousness back and found himself on a bed in a hospital and somebody came and approached him.

???: Thank goodness you've awaken! I'm Looker from the Interpol! Will you mine if I ask you about a few things of what happened?
Rize: Where are my Pokemon?! Are they fine?!
Looker: Your Pokemon is fine and is now under recovery.
Rize then explained the situation of what happened and told Looker of the secret organization called Team Rocket and everything he knows since facing Team Rocket in Johto.
Looker: Hmm.. hearing from your information about them it's still not enough to find out what is their real objectives! You said that they really obsessed in collecting money and funds and that is why they are stealing Pokemon everywhere to sell but why do they hi jacked the Radio Tower in Golden Rod city? Why do they do experiment on Pokemon as well such as with the Gyarados at Mahogany Lake. Anyway contact me if you got any new information about them! We will really appreciate it! You will be able to come out from here tomorrow and resume on your journey so don't worry.
What is Team Rocket's real objective?! The answer to that will come as Rize's journey continues.

Chapter 23 - Team Rocket in the Pokemon Tower!

Continuing from the previous chapter Rize is now facing two Ghost type Pokemon Gastly and Haunter.
Rize: Charmander! Pidgeotto! Becareful!
Gastly and Haunter attacked using Night Shade attack and Charmander is hit with it but Pidgeotto seems to be unaffected.
Rize: Right! Normal Pokemon didn't take damage from Ghost type moves! Eevee help us out now! " Right! I forgot that Eevee only knows Normal type moves and Normal type moves can't affect Ghost type either! But.." Eevee use Helping Hand!
Eevee used helping hand and ready to help Pidgeotto and Charmander.
Rize: Charmander Flamethrower! Pidgeotto Aerial Ace!
Due to the power up from Eevee's helping hand, Haunter and Gastly is defeated.
Rize: Yes! Now I'm going to catch them so that they don't make anymore trouble!
Rize threw his Pokeball to catch the Gastly and Haunter but his Pokeball can't absorb them and went back to Rize.
Rize: "That's weird.. if I can't catch them that means they belong to somebody else.. That means somebody else is behind this!"
???: Hahahaa! Impressive! You managed to beat our Gastly and Haunter! Well done boy!
Rize: Who's there?! Show yourself!
The enemy showed themselves and it was non other than Rocket Grunts.
Rocket Grunt: You got guts for coming here boy! But we don't have mercy even with kids!
Rize: Rocket! I should have known!
Rocket Grunt: What?! You know about us?! Who are you?!
Rize: Where's Mr Fuji?!
Rocket Grunt: Hoho! That old man! I'll let your imagination to asnwer!
Rize: Pidgeotto Aerial Ace!
Rocket Grunt: Oh no you don't! Grimer block it!

Grimer blocked Pidgeotto's Aerial Ace attack with its thick body of sludge and then trapped Pidgeotto with its Body Slam attack.
Rize: Pidgeotto!!

" Grimer the Sludge Pokemon. It is Poison type. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth. "

Rocket Grunt: Hahaha! Give it up!
Suddenly Grimer is attack from below of its body which is from the ground. It was Sandshrew with its Dig attack and Grimer is knocked out as it is super effective and Pidgeotto is freed.
Rocket Grunt: What?! When did that little?!
Rize: Haha! Give it up!
Suddenly another member of the Rocket Team showed up.

???: Pathetic! Being defeated by a mere boy!
Rocket Grunt: Sir Lambda I'm sorry! But I'm outnumbered!
Lambda: No excuse! I'll take care of this boy myself! Watch and learn from your senior! Weezing attack!

Lambda: Smog attack!
Rize: Pidgeotto Whirlwind to clear the Smog away! Then use Aerial Ace!
Weezing was hit with Aerial Ace.
Lambda: I got no choice! Weezing Tackle attack!
Weezing get near to Pidgeotto and Rize.
Lambda: Now Explosion!
Weezing used Explosion while it is close with Rize and his Pokemon resulting Pidgeotto, Sandshrew, Eevee and Charmander out of comission and even Rize himself badly injured.
Lambda: Hahaha! Take that! Now what can you do?! I still have other Pokemon to take care of you!
Rize: ugh! Poliwag Water Pulse!!

Lambda: Is that the best you got left?! Hypno use Psychic and blow that Water Pulse!

Hypno used Psychic and blew Poliwag's Water Pulse away. Things are looking very bad on Rize side, will he be able to save Mr.Fuji and get out of the Pokemon Tower alive?!

Chapter 22 - Lavender Town is Haunted?!

Rize have finally reached Lavender Town but there is something strange with the city. A dark gloomy atmosphere is surrounding the town, it is very silent like a dead town and not many people are walking outside. Even if there is people, people are very unfriendly and don't talk to each other and avoiding strangers.
Rize: What's with this town?! Is that how they treat an outsider?!
Rize went to the Pokemon Centre and asked with the nurse what's up with the town and the nurse told him what happened.
Nurse: A few weeks ago, something terrible happened in this town. An unknown group of people came and attacked the Pokemon House and stole all the Pokemon there. However, one Pokemon died because of trying to protect and fight them. The Pokemon is Marowak it was trying to protect its baby Cubone. The owner of the Pokemon House, Mr Fuji can't stand it and went alone to save all the stolen Pokemon and to avenge Marowak's death as well. Since then the people in this town become paranoid with outsiders and strangers, some even tell stories of the town is haunted by a restless spirit of Marowak.
Rize: What a tragic story! Stealing and even killing Pokemon!! That's too much! Who are they?! Nurse you said that Mr. Fuji went to chase them alone right?! Where did he go?!
Nurse: He went to the top of the Pokemon Tower as the criminals are making that tower their hideout but he have not return yet till now.
Rize: Pokemon Tower huh?! Allright!
Rize dashed out of the Pokemon Centre and went straight to the Pokemon Tower to save the Pokemon and Mr Fuji.
Nurse: Wait! Don't go! Please!

Rize have entered the Pokemon Tower but it is so spooky inside and he didn't expect the place to be so scary as there are lot of dead bodies of Pokemon and a strange fog.
Rize: This is terrible! There are many dead bodies of Pokemon! Don't tell me that they killed all of the Pokemon living in this tower?!
Suddenly the dead bodies began to move and attack.
Rize: What?! They're moving?! How could they?! They're dead!
Rize ran away further up the tower but found that he have been surrounded by an army of dead Pokemon. He got no choice but to fight them.
Rize: I'm sorry! Charmander Flamethrower!
Charmander burned the dead Pokemon to ashes but there are just too many of them.
Rize: " Something or somebody must be controlling them! Afterall this is the enemy's hideout!" Pidgeotto blow the fogs and the dead bodies away with Whirlwind!
Pidgeotto blewed the fogs and the dead bodies and the room became clear and two unknown Pokemon can be seen now.

" Gastly the Gas Pokemon. It is a Ghost and Poison type. A Pokemon born from poison gases. It defeats even the largest foes by enveloping them in gas. This Pokemon's body is 95% made up of gases, which are blown away by strong gusts of wind. "

" Haunter the Gas Pokemon and the evolved form of Gastly. It is a Ghost and Poison type. It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering. "

Rize: Gastly and Haunter! Ghost type Pokemon! They must be the one controlling these dead bodies with their psychic abilities.
The Pokemon behind this have been revealed but where are the criminals who are responsible for all this things?!

Chapter 21 - Pokemon Fishing Contest!

Rize have arrived on route 12 where he found himself on a fishing spot along the road and there is a Pokemon Fishing Contest running and he decided to participate as the winner will get an attractive prize, the Water Stone!
The Pokemon caught in fishing will be use in battle to determine who is the winner of the contest.
Rize: " I'm going to win that Water Stone!" Ah! A bite! So fast!

Rize checked the lured Pokemon with his Pokedex and scanned its overall power level.

" Krabby the River Crab Pokemon. It is a Water type. It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle. "

Rize: That pincer must be powerful! I'm going to catch this Krabby! Eevee go! Use Quick Attack!
Krabby took the Quick Attack and countered with a Vicegrip attack and knocked out Eevee.
Rize: Eevee! As expected this Krabby's strong! Bulbasaur go!
Krabby attacked once again with its Vicegrip attack.
Rize: Careful of those pincers! Use Vine Whip and grab it tight!
Bulbasaur used Vine Whip and grab a hold of Krabby's pincer. Krabby continues its attack with Bubble it's not so effective against Bulbasaur.
Rize: Seed Bomb!
Krabby took the Seed Bomb attack and badly injured and Rize took this opportunity and caught it with his Pokeball. Rize got Krabby healed and send one of his Pokemon  to Bill so that he can use Krabby for the contest and now all the participants that have caught a Pokemon from fishing in the given time have gathered to battle each other there are only 4 contestant that managed to catch a Pokemon. Rize first battle is about to begin.
Rize: Krabby go!
Kenta: Shellder go!

" Shellder the Bivalve Pokemon. It is Water type. It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out. "

Rize: Krabby use Vicegrip!
Kenta: Shellder use Withdraw and hide inside your shell!
Krabby used Vicegrip attack but Shellder used Withdraw and hide in its shell.
Kenta: Now use Spikes Canon!
Krabby was hit by Spikes Canon attack.
Rize: Krabby hang in! Vicegrip once more!
Kenta: Withdraw once more!
Krabby attacked with Vicegrip and Shellder hide in its shell like earlier.
Rize: Keep hitting it!
Kenta: Fool! Keep using hiding!
Krabby keep hitting it with Vicegrip and Krabby suddenly change its move and used Crabhammer attack on Shellder and keep hitting it with Crabhammer until Shelder's shell have cracked and Shellder is knocked out.
Kenta: Nooo!!
Rize proceeded to the final round.
Kenji: Horsea go!

" Horsea the Dragon Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Seadra. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees. "

Rize: Horsea? So this is Kingdra's first form! Brings back memory! Krabby Vicegrip that little thing!
Krabby used Vicegrip and knocked out Horsea in an instant.
Judge: The winner of the Fishing Contest is contestant Rize and his Krabby!
Rize earned the Water Stone for the victory prize. Will it be useful for Rize in the future?

Chapter 20 - Sleeping Snorlax!

After winning the Vermillion Gym, Rize continues his journey in Kanto, as he check on his map of the Kanto region he decided to check out Lavender Town and he is now on route 11. However, there is something on route 11 as there are many people gathering on one spot. Rize's curiosity made him go and take a look at what is actually there behind the crowds. It looks like there is a big sleeping Pokemon on the route and everybody is eager to catch it.

" Snorlax the Sleeping Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Its stomach can digest any kind of food, even if it happens to be moldy or rotten. It stops eating only to sleep. It doesn't feel full unless it eats nearly 900 pounds a day. When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly. "

Rize then scanned the Snorlax power level and found that Snorlax is in quite a high level and very strong so he decided to catch it for himself.
Rize: This sleeping Pokemon is mine!
Rize thought that everybody is a fool for not taking the chance of catching it while it is asleep so he threw a Pokeball to catch it but unfortunately within seconds, Snorlax came out of the ball.
People: Do you think we haven't tried that? We've tried 1000 tricks and still unable to catch it! We even tried to weaken it by attacking it while it is asleep but it still doesn't work! It seems that it recovers its health while sleeping.
Rize: Hmm.. Charmander Flamethrower! Bulbasaur Vine Whip! Poliwag Bubble! Eevee Tackle! Sandshrew Slash!
Despite of all Rize's Pokemon attacking altogether at once, Snorlax keep on sleeping and looks unharmed.
People: We made a deal! Whoever manage to wake the Snorlax up will be the one catching it!
Rize: I gotta figure out how to wake this Pokemon! Poliwag Double Slap on its face!
Suddenly someone familiar came into the scene and played a beautiful melody using the Pokeflute and the sleeping Snorlax upon hearing the melody woke up and went on rampage as it is angry for its sleep is disturbed.
Rize: Whoaa!! It's awake!
Ryussei: Get away! This Pokemon's mine! Golem go!

Rize: Ryussei?!
Rize checked his Pokedex on Ryussei's Golem.

" Golem the Megaton Pokemon and the evolved form of Graveler. It is a Rock and Ground type. Even dynamite can't harm its hard, boulderlike body. It sheds its hide just once a year. "

Ryussei: Golem Double Edge!
Golem attacked Snorlax with a powerful Double Edge but Snorlax looks fine. Snorlax then countered with Body Slam. But when Snorlax lifted up its body Golem is not there but there's a hole.
Rize: Golem used Dig?!
Ryussei: Attack now!
Golem attacked with Dig and Snorlax fell hard.
Ryussei: Rock Slide go!
Golem used Rock Slide and burried Snorlax on piles of rocks and Snorlax didn't move after that attack.
Rize: You did it!
Ryussei: No! It's trying to recover by using Rest!
Ryussei threw his Pokeball before Snorlax could recover and Snorlax is captured. The crowds gave applause to Ryussei and left.
Rize: Congratulations! I wanted to catch that Snorlax myself actually, where did you get that Pokeflute from? It's a very useful item.
Ryussei: ... I'm not telling. Bye for now. (Leave the place.)
Rize: What the?! He could at least tell me about it! " However this is the first time I saw him battle! He's very strong! I bet that Golem is not even his strongest Pokemon!"
Rize witnessed Ryussei in battle for the first time and realized how strong his new rivals are and his chance of winning the Kanto League is far from grasp if his level is still like this! Rize then vowed that he will get stronger!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter 19 - Vermillion Gym! Electric Shocking Battle!

Rize is having a street battle against a local trainer in Vermillion City and he is having a double battle against Nidoran(male) and Nidoran(Female)

Trainer: Nidoran together use Poison Sting!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge! Charmander use Flamethrower and burn the Poison Stings!
Sandshrew used Dig and knocked out Nidoran(m) and Charmander's Flamethrower knocked out Nidoran(f) too.
Rize: Yes! That's great Sandshrew! You must be ready for the Gym battle!
Rize then hurried to the Gym and make a challenge.
Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Denki is about to begin! It's a 2 on 2 Pokemon battle! Begin!
Denki: I'll shock all your Pokemon to death! Raichu go!

" Raichu the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Pikachu. It is an Electric type. Raichu can loose 100,000-volt bursts of electricity, instantly downing foes several times its size. Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked. It turns aggressive if it has too much electricity in its body. "

Rize: Really?? Sandshrew go!

Denki: Tch! A Ground type! Raichu use Iron Tail!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge then attack!
Raichu missed its attack and hit by Sandshrew's Dig.
Denki: Grab Sandshrew with your tail!
Sandshrew was binded with Raichu's tail.
Denki: Prepare to use Hyper Beam!
Rize: Sandshrew break free using Rapid Spin quick!
Sandshrew broke free from the bind with Rapid Spin and dodged Raichu's Hyper Beam and Raichu can't move due to the aftermath of using Hyper Beam.
Rize: Chance! Sandshrew use Slash attack!
Sandshrew hit Raichu with Slash attack twice and Raichu is knocked out.
Referee: Raichu is unable to battle! Sandshrew wins!
Denki: You dirty! Electabuzz! Time for revenge!

" Electabuzz the Electric Pokemon and the evolved form of Elekid. It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime. "

Rize: No matter what you won't win against my Ground type Sandshrew! Sandshrew use Dig!
Denki: Hm! You think it will work again? Electabuzz use Brick Break on the ground!
Electabuzz made a shock to the ground by hitting the ground with Brick Break and Sandshrew is forced to come out looked injured.
Rize: Fine then! Sandshrew Rapid Spin!
Denki: Brick Break again!
Sandshrew attacked with Rapid Spin but Electabuzz smashed it with Brick Break like a Volley Ball and it was knocked back and out of the match.
Judge: Sandshrew is unable to battle! Electabuzz wins!
Rize: "Damn! If Sandshrew's out the only one who can match with that strong Electabuzz is this one!" Charmander go!

Denki: A little Charmander! Man how old are you? Evolve your Pokemon already!
Rize: Shut up! Charmander Flamethrower!
Denki: Protect!
Electabuzz created a barrier and protected itself from the Flamethrower.
Denki: Electabuzz use Brick Break!
Rize: Don't let it get near you! Flamethrower!
Electabuzz was hit by Flamethrower before it can get close to use Brick Break.
Denki: Tch! In that case Light Screen!
Electabuzz created a Light Screen barrier to protect it from Charmander's Flamethrower.
Rize: Flamethrower again!
Denki: Brick Break!
Electabuzz charged in to the Flamethrower but because of Light Screen it manage to get near Charmander and hit with Brick Break.
Rize: Charmander Dragon Rage!
Denki: Protect!
Electabuzz once again protected itself with the Protect barrier.
Denki: Finish this with Thunder Electabuzz!!
Electabuzz striked a Thunder attack on Charmander and Charmander is greatly injured.
Rize: Charmander! Don't give up!
Charmander fiery determination burned up and its special abillity Blaze is activated!
Rize: Allright Flamethrower full power go!
Electabuzz took the Flamethrower attack and knocked out despite of the Light Screen defense.
Referee: Electabuzz is down! Charmander wins! Rize and Charmander is the winner!
Denki: Just how strong that little Charmander is when Blaze activated! That's unbelievable!

Lt.Surge: Never underestimate your opponent! That's the key of winning the war! Now boy here take your Medium Thunder Badge!

Rize battled hard and finally wins his third Kanto badge which is the Thunder Badge. What Gym will be next? When will Rize be ready to challenge the Saffron Gym?!

Chapter 18 - Stranded Sandshrew in Diglett Cave!

Upon losing to Sarina in the Saffron Gym, Rize was teleported by her Kadabra and ended up in an unknown place.
Rize: Where's this place?! It's so dark! It looks like I'm in a cave!
Suddenly a group of Zubat flew to Rize direction.

Rize: What are those Pokemon?!

" Zubat the Bat Pokemon. It is a Poison and Flying type. Disliking sunlight, it sleeps deep in forests and caves until sundown. Even though it has no eyes, it can sense obstacles using ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth. "

Rize: Zubat?! They live in caves! That means I must be in some kind of cave! That damn Pyschic girl! I'll have a rematch and make her apologize! Hey what are those Pokemon? They're so small and so many of them! I wonder where they're going!

" Diglett the Mole Pokemon. It is a Ground type. A Pokemon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. "

Rize followed the Digletts hoping that they will lead him to the exit of the cave but the Diglett found out of Rize presence. They dig underground and came out below Rize spot where he stands and brings him to somewhere deep inside the cave.
Rize: Hey where do you think you're bringing me to?!
Suddenly a different species of Pokemon came out from the ground. The Digglet upon seeing that Pokemon left Rize and chased the wild Pokemon and the wild Pokemon begin to run underground again.

Rize checked his Pokedex.

" Sandshrew the Mouse Pokemon. It is a Ground type. To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall. "

Rize: It's a Sandshrew!
It looks like fight is taking place underground and Sandshrew is forced out of the ground badly hurt.
Rize: Hey what do you think you all doing?! Leave the Sandshrew alone!
The Diglett became angry at Rize and going to attack him too.
Rize: What is it?! You guys wanna battle?! Pidgeotto go! You won't be able to attack my Pidgeotto on air!
Suddenly another Pokemon came out from the ground in the middle of Rize and the Diglett.

Rize checked his Pokedex again.

" Dugtrio the Mole Pokemon and the evolved form of Diglett. It is a Ground type. Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. "

Rize: Dugtrio?! You must be the boss here! What do you guys want actually?!
Dugtrio explained to Pidgeotto and Pidgeotto landed on the ground and refused to fight anymore.
Rize: What's wrong Pidgeotto?
The Dugtrio and the Diglett went somewhere and Pidgeotto wanted Rize to follow it. Rize understood and take the injured Sandshrew with him and they reached the exit of the cave from Dugtrio and Diglett's help of direction. There's a sign saying Diglett Cave on the entrance of the cave.
Rize: Now I see.. This is your habitat and you don't wanna have other Pokemon in your area right? I get it, I'll be taking the Sandshrew to the Pokemon Centre and leave you guys alone! Rize took the Sandshrew to the Pokemon Centre in Vermillion City and Sandshrew is back to top shape again.
Rize: Hey Sandshrew, do you have anywhere to go? If not why don't you come with us and be strong together?
Sandshrew has taken a liking to Rize since it has been saved by him and agreed to come with Rize! Rize have gotten a new member in his team but wait he already have 6 Pokemon in his party! Rize then send Butterfree over to Bill's place. The Vermillion City Gym is an Electric type Gym! Will Rize's capture of Sandshrew be a good use for his upcoming Gym battle?

Chapter 17 - Saffron Gym Battle! The Untouchable Psychic Pokemon!

After participating in the Saffron Fighting Dojo tournament, Rize planned to leave Saffron City. But before that he is going to challenge and win the badge from the Saffron Gym And now his battle is going to begin.
Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Sarina is about to begin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle! Begin!
Sarina: There's no need for 3 Pokemon! My Kadabra can finish your whole team! Go Kadabra!

" Kadabra the Psi Pokemon. It is a Psychic type. Kadabrastares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so. "

Rize: I won't be so sure about that if I were you! Butterfree go!

Sarina: Your Bug type is useless against me! It doesn't know any Bug type move! Kadabra use Light Screen!
Rize: Butterfree use Poison Powder!
Sarina: Kadabra Psychic and send those Poison Powder back to it!
Butterfree used Poison Powder but Kadabra used Psychic and send it back to Butterfree and Butterfree is now poisoned.
Rize: What?! Butterfree use Gust attack!
Kadabra was hit with Gust attack but due to Light Screen effect its damage is not so much at all.
Sarina: Disable!
Rize: Butterfree use Gust attack once more!
Butterfree tried to use Gust again but Kadabra have disabled its move and it can't fire Gust anymore.
Rize: How in the world?!
Sarina: Kadabra use Future Sight!
Kadabra used Future Sight but nothing seems to happen but Butterfree's taking damage from the poison.
Rize: In that case! Butterfree use Poison Powder now!
Butterfree suceeded using the Poison Powder and Kadabra is poisoned
Sarina: Kadabra finish it with Psychic!
Butterfree was hit with Psychic attack and knocked out.
Referee: Butterfree lost! Kadabra wins!
Kadabra is hurt by its poison.
Rize: Poliwag go!

Just when Poliwag entered the battle field, an attack from the nowhere hit Poliwag and Poliwag is knocked out.
Referee: Poliwag is unable to battle! Kadabra wins!
Kadabra is hurt again by its poison.
Rize: What?!
Sarina: That's Future Sight for you!
Rize: Charmander! I'm counting on you!

Sarina: Pathetic team! Kadabra use Light Screen!
Rize: Charmander Flamethrower!
Charmander attacked Kadabra with Flamethrower but again Light Screen cut its damage to half.
Kadabra is hurt by poison and looks can't take another hit.
Rize: "This is weird! It's like she can read me and my team like a book!"
Sarina: Recover!
Kadabra used Recover and its health is stored back.
Rize: This is crazy!! How on earth do I beat this thing?!
Sarina: Kadabra use Psychic!
Charmander was hit by Psychic and lost.
Referee: Winner is Sarina the Gym Leader!
Sarina: I have Psychic myself and I can see all your Pokemon Team, what move they can use and their power level. I knew from the beginning that I can trash you! That's why I told you my Kadabra can defeat your whole team! Now leave this city! You're too weak to challenge me! Kadabra use Teleport and send him to somewhere far!
Kadabra used Teleport and teleported Rize to somewhere unknown. Where will Rize be after the teleportation?!

Chapter 16 - Saffron Fighting Dojo Finals!

Rize have managed to go into the final round of the Saffron Fighting Dojo Tournament and he is now going to face against Chuck.
Referee: Begin!
Chuck: We finally met Rize! Congratulations on evolving Tyrogue! Now to make this match more interesting! I'm going to use this Pokemon! Hitmonlee go!
Rize: Hitmonchan go!

" Hitmonlee the Kicking Pokemon and also one of the evolved form of Tyrogue. It is a Fighting type. Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach. "
Rize: We gotta strike first! Fake Out!
Chuck: You can't win against me using that kind of strategy!
Hitmonchan used Fake Out and flinched Hitmonlee.
Rize: Now use Bulk Up!
Hitmonchan raised its attack and defense level.
Chuck: You want to overpower me? Fine! I'll help you! Hitmonlee use Swagger!
Hitmonlee used Swagger on Hitmonchan and Hitmonchan's attack level is highly boosted but Hitmonchan become confused and attacking itself in its confusion and due to the high boosted attack level the damage it received is much higher.
Rize: Hitmonchan stop!! You'll knock yourself out!
Chuck: Hahaha! It's useless! Hitmonlee use Hi Jump Kick!
Hitmonlee jumped high preparing to attack Hitmonchan.
Rize: Snap out of it Hitmonchan!!!
Hitmonchan heard Rize voice and snapped out from its confusion.
Chuck: What?!
Rize: Good! Double Team!
Hitmonchan made illusionary copies of itself and thus Hitmonlee missed its attack and hurt itself.
Rize: Goo!! Give it your best shot!
Hitmonchan used a move that is never been used before, and it's Fire Punch! It looks like it's been learning it since back in the Cianwood Gym and secretly learning how to use it and since it has evolved now it is now able to use it perfectly.
Chuck: Hitmonlee use Blaze Kick!!
The two Pokemon attacked each other with their Fiery attack and clashed each other and made a huge explosion on the battle arena. After the smokes has been cleared, the two Pokemon both laid on the arena. Is it a double knock out?!
Judge: I will count to 10! Whichever Pokemon managed to stand back up first between the counting will be the winner!
Referee: 1!
Rize: Stand up Hitmonchan!
Chuck: Hitmonlee I know you can do it!
Referee: 2! 3!
The two Pokemon begin to move and tried their best to stand up.
Referee: 4! 5!
Hitmonchan almost made it to stand back up while Hitmonlee is still laying on the ground.
Referee: 6! 7!
Rize: Just a little bit more Hitmonchan!
Referee: 8!
Suddenly, just before Hitmonchan finished standing straight! Hitmonlee jumped and stand back up in its fighting position.
Referee: That's it! The winner of this tournament is Chuck and Hitmonlee!
Chuck: You did well Rize!! Very well! I didn't expect to be having so much trouble in battling against you! I guess I will have to train much harder from now on! 24 hours a day!
Rize: Thanks Mr.Chuck! I still  can't match with you afterall! Well there's no badge for winning anyway! Just don't over do it Mr.Chuck! Remember your health as well!
Chuck: Thanks for your concern Rize! I wish you all the best in the Kanto League!
Hitmonchan decided to train even harder in Cianwood Gym and parted ways once again with Rize! But ofcourse they will meet again one day! Rize is going to challenge the Saffron Gym! Will he be able to win?!

Chapter 15 - Saffron Fighting Dojo Tournament Begins!

Finally, one week of training have past and it is now time for the Saffron Fighting Dojo Tournament. Rize and Tyrogue is ready for some action and Rize first round is about to begin. There are only 8 participants in this tournament which means the first round will be the preliminary round, round two is semi final and round three is the final. The tournament is only for one day that means only some period of time of break before the next round.
Referee: Begin!
Rize: Tyrogue go!

John: Machop go!

" Machop the Superpower Pokemon. It is a Fighting type. Machop hefts a GRAVELER repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts."

John: Machop use Karate Chop!
Rize: Fake Out!
Tyrogue used Fake Out on Machop and Machop is flinched.
Rize: Now! Mach Punch!
Tyrogue used Mach Punch and hit Machop with lightning speed and Machop is knocked out thus making Rize won the first round and ofcourse Chuck also won the first round. After all participants have finished their battle, Rize's round two is coming.
Referee: Begin!
Rize: Tyrogue let's win again!
Johny: How dare you beat my little brother! Machoke let's teach them a lesson!

" Machoke the Superpower Pokemon and the evolved form of Machop. It is a Fighting type. MACHOKE's boundless power is very dangerous, so it wears a belt that suppresses its energy. It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people. "

Rize found out that Machoke is the evolved form of Machop.
Rize: Hee.. so the family raised the same Pokemon! This should be easy!
Johny: Easy?! You don't know my Machoke yet!
Rize: Fake Out!
Tyrogue used Fake Out and flinched Machoke.
Rize: Now use Mach Punch!
Tyrogue followed it up with a fast Mach Punch but Machoke didn't move at all from its spot and standing strong.
Johny: Yeah? Vital Throw!
Machoke used Vital Throw and threw Tyrogue hard and Tyrogue is exhausted and barely could stand again.
Rize: Come on Tyrogue! You can't lose against him! Show me the result of your training with Mr.Chuck!
Tyrogue tried very hard to stand up and it succeeded and begin to evolve.
Rize: Hitmontop?!
But it turned out that Tyrogue did not evolve into a Hitmontop but to a completely unknown Pokemon to Rize.

Rize checked with his Pokedex and learned about Hitmonchan.

" Hitmonchan the Punching Pokemon and one of the evolved form of Tyrogue. It is a Fighting type. The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting. "

Johny: Oh no!
Rize: Allright! Hitmonchan Bulk Up!
Hitmonchan used Bulk Up and raised its attack and defense level.
Johny: Machoke finish it with one strike! Submission attack!
Rize: Double Team!
Hitmonchan used Double Team and made illusionary copies of itself and confused Machoke.
Rize: Brick Break!
Machoke is knocked out with the Brick Break attack and Rize proceeded to the final round and his last opponent is non other than Cianwood Gym Leader Chuck! Will Rize be able to win against the open category Gym Leader?!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chaper 14 - Saffron the Huge Metropolitan City! 2 Gyms in 1 City?!

2 days have past, Rize is going to Vermillion City to earn his next Gym badge. However, he arrived in a huge metropolitan city which is the Saffron City, the biggest City in Kanto.
Rize: " This city is ridiculously big! I might get lost in here! Better ask the locals.."
After asking several locals from the city Rize still couldn't find the way to Vermillion city. But something else came up and it looks like the Pokemon Egg is hatching right now!
Rize: It's finally hatching! I  wonder what Pokemon will be born from it!
The Egg hatched and a cute little Pokemon is born which is an Eevee.

Eevee the Evolution Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes. "

Rize: So it's an Eevee! Welcome Eevee!
Rize and Eevee introduced themselves and Eevee is now part of the team that makes it a complete team of 6 Pokemon. Rize walked around the city with Eevee and found the Saffron Gym but wait! How come there are 2 Pokemon Gym?!
Rize: There are 2 Pokemon Gym in this big city?! Let's see one is Fighting type and one is a Psychic type! Whatever! I'm going to challenge them all and get the badge!
Rize saw a notice infront of the Fighting Gym saying that it will be helding a tournament for Fighting Pokemon. Rize wanted to participate but he don't have any Fighting Pokemon at the momment so he decided to just watch the tournament on the date it is listed. Suddenly a familliar face showed up from the Fighting Gym and it was non other than the Cianwood City Gym Leader of Johto, Chuck!

Chuck: Hey! You're Rize right! So you're now in Kanto!
Rize: Leader Chuck! It's so nice to see you again!
Chuck: I watched the Johto League Jr.Tournament from TV and watched your match! You were so close to winning!
Rize: Ahaha yeah but this year I'm going to win the Kanto League! By the way what are you doing here in Kanto leader Chuck?
Chuck explained that he is going to participate in the Fighting Pokemon tournament and also to let Rize's Tyrouge to watch and learn from the tournament.
Rize: Yeah how's my Tyrogue doing?
Chuck: It's doing very fine! Here it is!
Chuck sent out Rize's Tyrogue from its Pokeball and The two finally meet again with each other after along time. Rize introduced Tyrogue to all of his new Pokemon.
Chuck: Your Pokemon team is completely different from the time you use in the League. Hey I got an idea! Why don't you participate in this Gym's tournament too with Tyrogue!
Rize found the idea appealing and registered for the tournament. The tournament is held one week later so Rize have sometime to train with Tyrogue.
Chuck: You'll be on your own now! You can't expect me to train you, afterall I'm also participating here Hahaha! See you again Tyrogue!
Since Rize already have 6 Pokemon in his party he decided to send one of his Pokemon over to Bill which is his Poliwag.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chapter 13 - Meet Bill! The Inventor of the Pokemon Teleporter System!

Continuing from the last chapter, Rize is having his final battle against Haze and his Wartortle.
Rize: Bulbasaur Bullet Seed go!
Haze: Wartortle deflect it with Rapid Spin!
Bulbasaur used a super effective Bullet Seed but Wartortle delfected all of it with Rapid Spin.
Haze: Skull Bash go!
Bulbasaur was hit with Skull Bash attack.
Rize: Bulbasaur use Leech Seed quick!
Bulbasaur used Leech Seed and implanted the seed on Wartortle which keep on sucking Wartortle's energy.
Haze: This is amusing! Wartortle break free from the Leech Seed using Hydro Pump with a spin!
Wartortle used Hydro Pump with a spin and blew the Leech Seed away from its body.
Rize: Damn it! Bulbasaur use Bullet Seed!
Wartortle just finished using Hydro Pump and hit with super effective Bullet Seed.
Haze: Damn! Wartortle Skull Bash go!
Rize: Catch it with Vine Whip!

Bulbasaur grabbed Wartortle with its vines.
Haze: What?! Break free using Hydro Pump!
Rize: Quick!! use Bullet Seed!
Before Wartortle break free using Hydro Pump, Bulbasaur hit it first with its attack and instead of Bullet Seed, Bulbasaur learned a new move and improved its Bullet Seed into a Seed Bomb attack..
Rize: Now throw it away!
Bulbasaur threw Wartortle hard to the small floor on the water field and Wartortle is knocked out.
Referee: Wartortle lost! The victor is Bulbasaur and its Trainer Rize!
Misty: Great battle! Here take your Medium Cascade Badge!

Rize went to the Pokemon Centre to get his Pokemon healed after the exhausting battle. While waiting for his Pokemon's treatment to finish, he got a phonecall from Prof.Oak.
Prof.Oak: Rize how have you been doing?
Rize told him about his progress and victory of the Cereluan Gym.
Prof.Oak: That's very good! You've got no problem at all! And what a perfect timing that you're in Cereluan City! There's a guy named Bill that lives there, he is the one who invented the Pokemon Teleporter System in Kanto. Why don't you go and meet him, maybe he can do something with the broken Pokemon Transfer System.
Rize: Sounds great! I'll get going right away!
Rize left the Pokemon Centre leaving his Pokemon under treatment and only brings the Pokemon he didn't use for the Gym battle. Rize searched for Bill's house and since Bill is a famous inventor it is very easy to know the location of his house. Rize knocked on the door and a friendly young man opened the door.

???: Yes? Who are you? What brings you here?
Rize: Are you Bill? I'm Rize!
Bill: Yes! The one and only! What brings you here Rize?
Rize: Wow! I really never thought that you're still such a young person! To be able to invent something so great in your age that was just amazing!
Bill: Haha thanks.. It was nothing much actually..
Rize then explained his coming to Bill.
Bill: I am well aware of the issue about what happen to the Pokemon Teleporter System recently and I have been finding out and working on it myself to fix it.
Rize: How's your work going? Can it be fix?
Bill: Ofcourse it can be fix but that is if only we can know what's the problem with it. I still can't find what's the real problem with the Teleporter System. It looks completely fine and working!
Rize: I see.. I guess the Teleporter System won't be available for quite a long time..
Bill: Hmm.. not to worry! I have a back up personal storage system that only linked to me! You can send all the Pokemon you catch and send it to me and switch around as you wish along your journey. But you still can't get your Pokemon teleported from Hoenn to Kanto tough but at least you can catch more than 6 Pokemon now!
Rize: Really?! I can send the Pokemon I caught to you and you'll keep it safe for me?!
Bill: Yup! It's the least I can do, I feel bad about the Teleporter System especially you're a foreigner it just made the image of Kanto so bad!!
Rize: Haha not at all! Kanto is a very great and interesting place! Thanks Bill I'll send my Pokemon to you if I need to.
And so Rize made friends with Bill the inventor of the Pokemon Teleporter System! Next is Vermillion City! What kind of exciting adventures awaits him?

Chapter 12 - Cereluan Gym Battle!

Referee:The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Haze the Gym leader is about to begin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle! Only the challenger is allowed to make substitution!
Haze: Seaking go!

" Seaking the Goldfish Pokemon and the evolved form of Goldeen. It is a Water type. To protect its family, it will fight with its drill-sharp horn. It lives in hollowed rocks in streams. "

Rize: Water with water! Poliwag Go!
Haze: I like your style! Come!
Rize: Poliwag Bubble!
Seaking took the Bubble attack like nothing.
Haze: You gotta do better than that! Seaking Horn Attack!
Seaking instantly attacked Poliwag with its Horn Attack.
Haze: Finish it! Another Horn Attack!
Rize: Poliwag Hypnosis!
While Seaking is charging into Poliwag with its Horn Attack, Poliwag used Hypnosis and put it to sleep.
Haze: No!
Rize: Poliwag Belly Drum!
Poliwag beat itself and raised its attack power to its max.
Rize: Double Slap!
Poliwag hit Seaking with Double Slap and Seaking is knocked out.
Judge: Seaking is down! Poliwag wins!
Haze: Not bad! Try my speedy Seadra!

" Seadra the Dragon Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Kingdra. It is Water type. Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients. "

Rize: Poliwag use Hypnosis again!
Haze: That kind of trick won't work again! Smoke Screen!
Seadra used Smoke Screen to hide in it and made Poliwag can't aim the Hypnosis to it.
Haze: Seadra Dragon Breath!
Seadra shot a powerful Dragon Breath and instantly knocked out Poliwag.
Judge: Poliwag is down! Seadra gets the win!
Rize: You're not bad yourself! Pidgeotto your turn!

Rize: Pidgeotto use Wing Attack!
Haze: Quick dive into the water to dodge it!
Pidgeotto attacked Seadra with Wing Attack but Seadra hid itself under the water in the water field.
Rize: This is what I'm waiting for! Pidgeotto use Gust attack to the water!
Pidgeotto used Gust on the waterfield and the waterfield become a tornado of water spinning fast like whirlpool and Seadra was trapped inside the spinning water tornado and it's knocked out.
Judge: Seadra is unable to battle! Pidgeotto wins!
Haze: I can't believe it! But you're done now! Buddy let's win this! Wartortle go!

" Wartortle the Turtle Pokemon and the evolved form of Squirtle. It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity. "

Rize: The Kanto's water starter's evolution! Wartortle! Pidgeotto use Wing Attack go!
Haze: Skull Bash Wartortle!
Pidgeotto used Wing Attack but was bashed by Wartortle's Skull Bash.
Rize: Quick Attack!
Haze: BubbleBeam!
Again Pidgeotto failed to attack and was hit with BubbleBeam and knocked out.
Judge: Pidgeotto is unable to battle! Wartortle wins!
Rize: Bulbasaur only you can do it!

Haze: A little Bulbasaur! Sure you got the advantage but will it be able to win against my Wartortle?!
Rize's last Pokemon is Bulbasaur and he put his last bet with it. Will he be able to win and earn the Cascade Badge?