Rize: Pidgeotto finish it with Quick Attack!
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack on its opponent which is also a bird Pokemon and knocked it out.

Youngster E: Ah Spearow noo!!
Youngster A: Incredible you defeated the 5 of us with just 4 Pokemon! You might be able to defeat the Gym Leader of Cereluan City!
Rize: That's my intention of coming here in the first place!
Rize knew that the Cereluan Gym is a Water type Gym so he intended to go fishing on the public water stream to find Water type Pokemon to catch.
Rize: Gee.. all these couples are making me awkward fishing here. It seems they're not so happy of my presence too! Ah a bite!
A water Pokemon fell for the bait and came out of the water surface and it's a tiny little tadpole Pokemon.

Rize checked his Pokedex the new Pokemon he encountered.
" Poliwag the tadpole Pokemon. It is a Water type. Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet. "
Rize: Poliwag! This looks like a fine water Pokemon! Bulbasaur go use Razor Leaf!
The Poliwag dived into the water and avoided the Razor Leaf attack.
Rize: "It's getting away! If only I have an electric Pokemon I can zap it from the outside! Gotta lure it out of the water first!" Pidgeotto use Whirlwind to the water!
Pidgeotto used Whirlwind and stirred the water into a spinning tornado of water and the Poliwag is forced to come out of the water.
Rize: Bulbasaur use Vine Whip and grab it here!
Bulbasaur used its Vine and grabbed Poliwag into the land.
Rize: Allright Bullet Seed!
Poliwag was hit by Bulbasaur's Bullet Seed!
Rize hurried and threw the Pokeball and succesfully captured the Poliwag. The crowds watched him catching the Poliwag and gave him around of applause. However, it looks like the other wild Pokemon that lives in the water stream is angry due to Rize making a mess in their home. The school of fish Pokemon attacked!

" Goldeen the Goldfish Pokemon. It is a Water type. It swims at a steady five knots. It swims elegantly by flittering its tail fin as if it were a dress. It has the look of a queen. If it senses danger, it will strike back with its sharp horn. "
Rize: Oh no! I created a trouble!
Suddenly a young lady stepped in and defeated the whole school of Goldeen with her starfish looking Pokemon with a single Swift attack.

Rize: Incredible! She's so strong!
" Starmie the Mysterious Pokemon. It is a Water and Psychic type. At the centre of its body is a red core. It glows in a different color each time it is seen. "
Crowd: Ofcourse! Just as expected from our City's Gym Leader!
Rize: Gym Leader?! So you're the Cereluan's Gym Leader?!
Misty: Yup! The name's Misty but I'm the Gym Leader for the Open Category level.
Rize: The name's Rize! Allright! I'm just about to challenge your Gym!
Misty: I see.. well good luck then! We'll be waiting for you at the Gym!
Rize met with the Cereluan City's Gym Leader and he's going to make his challenge! Next is a Gym Battle!
Pidgeotto Lv.25
ReplyDeleteBulbasaur Lv.27
Poliwag Lv.20
Goldeen Lv.15
Starmie Lv.56