Hiker Anthonio: What do you think you're doing?! You'll be captured by them too!
Rize: They're nothing! I beat their other members in the past and send them to prisons! Charmander Flamethrower them!
Charmander used its Flamethrower attack to Team Rocket.

Rocket Grunt: What?! Who's there?! Who the hell dare to mess with us?!
Rize stepped out with all his Pokemon by his side! But there are about 12 rocket grunts that he have to face!
Rocket Grunt: What's this! It's just a little teenager trying to be a hero! Raticate go Crunch them!

" Raticate the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Rattata. It is a Normal type. Raticate whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls. "
Raticate moved in a lightning speed and used Crunch on Charmander.
Hiker Anthonio: Tch! I didn't see anything! I'm outta here!
Hiker Anthonio fled leaving Rize facing the whole Rocket Grunts by himself.
Rize: "What a coward for being a hiker!" Bulbasaur use Vine Whip and help Charmander!
Bulbasaur hit Raticate with Vine Whip and freed Charmander from its bite.
Rocket Grunt: Go everybody! Attack him all at once!
About 5 Rocket Grunts sent out Koffing the poison gas Pokemon.

Rocket Grunts: Poison Gas!!
The whole Koffings used Poison Gas together and filled the air with poisonous gas.
Rize: Poison Gas?! Pidgeotto use Whirlwind to clear the air!
Pidgeotto unleashed a strong Whirlwind and cleared the air from the Poison Gas.
Rocket Grunts: Damn it! Ekans go!

Another 5 Rocket Grunts sent out their Pokemon and this time it's Ekans the Snake Pokemon.
The whole gangs of Ekans and Koffings attacked Charmander, Bulbasaur and Pidgeotto and they're all are seriously injured and Rize was bind up by the Ekans.
Rocket Grunt: Hahaha! Now what can you do?! Stupid fool! Look! Who owned such a miserable Pokemon! Ah I know! I'll kill this weak useless Metapod right infront of your eyes first! Raticate use Crunch!
Raticate used Crunch on Metapod and Metapod's shell began to crack!
Rize: Metapod noooo!!!
Rocket Grunt: Hahahhaha!!!
Metapod's shell began to crack wide but a completely different Pokemon came out of it and flew up high to the sky!

Rize: It evolved!
Rocket Grunt: Tch! It's just a Butterfree! Ekans and Koffings attack!!
The newly evolved Butterfree used its new move Sleep Powder and put the whole Ekans, Koffings and Raticate to sleep.
Rocket Grunt: Noo!! Gang! Wear your mask to prevent the Sleep Powder or any other of its Powdery attack to affect us!
The Rocket Grunts wore their masks to protect them from Butterfree's Sleep Powder.
Rocket Grunt: Even without our Pokemon we can still finish you! We are adults and you're outnumbered! We can use physical force!
Rize: Ughh!!
???: Onix go and bind them all!

A huge rock snake Pokemon binded the whole Rocket Grunts with its big body.
Rocket Grunts: Nooo!! Damn it!!
Rize: Anthonio!!
" Onix the Rock Snake Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Steelix. It is a Rock and Ground type. When it travels underground, it causes rumbling and tremors. It can move at 50 mph. "
Hiker Anthonio: Haha there's no way I'll leave you facing them alone! I'm waiting for the perfect moment to attack secretly.
Rize: I thought you really ran away back then!
The Clefaiy group thanked Rize and Anthony for saving them and went back to hide further inside the mountain.
Hiker Anthony: I'll take care of them and send them to the police! You go ahead!
And so Rize went down the mountain as dawn is approaching heads to Cereluan City leaving the whole Rocket Grunts with Hiker Anthony.
Charmander Lv.23
ReplyDeleteBulbasaur Lv.21
Pidgeotto Lv.22
Butterfree Lv.18
Ekans Lv.25
Koffing Lv.25
Raticate Lv.28
Onix Lv.30