Referee: Begin!
Chuck: We finally met Rize! Congratulations on evolving Tyrogue! Now to make this match more interesting! I'm going to use this Pokemon! Hitmonlee go!
Rize: Hitmonchan go!

" Hitmonlee the Kicking Pokemon and also one of the evolved form of Tyrogue. It is a Fighting type. Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach. "
Rize: We gotta strike first! Fake Out!
Chuck: You can't win against me using that kind of strategy!
Hitmonchan used Fake Out and flinched Hitmonlee.
Rize: Now use Bulk Up!
Hitmonchan raised its attack and defense level.
Chuck: You want to overpower me? Fine! I'll help you! Hitmonlee use Swagger!
Hitmonlee used Swagger on Hitmonchan and Hitmonchan's attack level is highly boosted but Hitmonchan become confused and attacking itself in its confusion and due to the high boosted attack level the damage it received is much higher.
Rize: Hitmonchan stop!! You'll knock yourself out!
Chuck: Hahaha! It's useless! Hitmonlee use Hi Jump Kick!
Hitmonlee jumped high preparing to attack Hitmonchan.
Rize: Snap out of it Hitmonchan!!!
Hitmonchan heard Rize voice and snapped out from its confusion.
Chuck: What?!
Rize: Good! Double Team!
Hitmonchan made illusionary copies of itself and thus Hitmonlee missed its attack and hurt itself.
Rize: Goo!! Give it your best shot!
Hitmonchan used a move that is never been used before, and it's Fire Punch! It looks like it's been learning it since back in the Cianwood Gym and secretly learning how to use it and since it has evolved now it is now able to use it perfectly.
Chuck: Hitmonlee use Blaze Kick!!
The two Pokemon attacked each other with their Fiery attack and clashed each other and made a huge explosion on the battle arena. After the smokes has been cleared, the two Pokemon both laid on the arena. Is it a double knock out?!
Judge: I will count to 10! Whichever Pokemon managed to stand back up first between the counting will be the winner!
Referee: 1!
Rize: Stand up Hitmonchan!
Chuck: Hitmonlee I know you can do it!
Referee: 2! 3!
The two Pokemon begin to move and tried their best to stand up.
Referee: 4! 5!
Hitmonchan almost made it to stand back up while Hitmonlee is still laying on the ground.
Referee: 6! 7!
Rize: Just a little bit more Hitmonchan!
Referee: 8!
Suddenly, just before Hitmonchan finished standing straight! Hitmonlee jumped and stand back up in its fighting position.
Referee: That's it! The winner of this tournament is Chuck and Hitmonlee!
Chuck: You did well Rize!! Very well! I didn't expect to be having so much trouble in battling against you! I guess I will have to train much harder from now on! 24 hours a day!
Rize: Thanks Mr.Chuck! I still can't match with you afterall! Well there's no badge for winning anyway! Just don't over do it Mr.Chuck! Remember your health as well!
Chuck: Thanks for your concern Rize! I wish you all the best in the Kanto League!
Hitmonchan decided to train even harder in Cianwood Gym and parted ways once again with Rize! But ofcourse they will meet again one day! Rize is going to challenge the Saffron Gym! Will he be able to win?!
Hitmonchan Lv.38
ReplyDeleteHitmonlee Lv.47