Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chapter 3 - New Friends and Rivals in Kanto! Ryussei and Reinz!!

Rize is about to leave Prof.Oak's place and leave Pallet Town to start his Kanto Journey.
Prof.Oak: The closest Pokemon Gym is in Viridian City! It's so near to Pallet Town! All the best Rize!
Rize: Right! So long proffesor!
Suddenly two trainers came by to Prof.Oak's place just before he is about to leave. One is about 169cm with grey coloured spiky sharp hair with confident looks and appearance while the other one is a shorter one about 158cm with a plain poker face like appearance with black hair.
???: Prof! I've already decided which Pokemon I'm going to bring along in my journey!
???: Same for me, since the Transfer Link System is broken down it's really a pain in the neck!
Prof.Oak: Ahh.. Ryussei! Reinz! All your Pokemon are all in good shape!
Rize: "They must be Trainers from Kanto under Prof.Oak!"
Prof.Oak: Ah Rize you're still here! These are Reinz and Ryussei! They are in the same age as you and have been in the top 4 in the Kanto Jr.League. They might not be as good as you tough.. since you're in the Runner up position.
Ryussei: ...
Reinz: Hee... So you're from Hoenn? You must be good to be able to be the Runner up! I know let's have a battle!
Prof.Oak: Ah but Rize is..
Rize: Allright let's do it! 1 on 1 battle how about that?
Prof.Oak: Ehh!! o.0!
Rize and Reinz then went to Prof.Oak's field to have a battle.
Rize: Charmander let's do our best in our first battle!

Reinz: Porygon go!

Rize: This Pokemon looks familliar to the one I battled in  the Johto League!

" Porygon the Virtual Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Porygon 2. It is a Normal type. Porygon is the world's first artificially created Pokemon by advanced scientific. It can move freely in cyberspace. "

Rize: So it's the pre-evolved form of Porygon 2! Charmander Ember!
Porygon was hit with Ember attack.
Reinz: Porygon Conversion 2!
Rize: Allright quick another Ember!
Porygon was hit again with Ember but this time it is not as effective as before.
Reinz: Tri Attack!
Rize: Charmander try your best to dodge it like you did it while in our training!
Charmander succesfully dodged Porygon's Tri Attack.
Rize: Yes! Scratch attack!
Porygon took Scratch attack.
Reinz: Lock On!
Porygon aimed and locked on Charmander.
Reinz: Tri Attack!
Rize: Dodge it again!
This time Charmander is not able to dodge it due to the Lock On effect and hit by Tri Attack.
Rize: Hang on! Use Ember again!
Reinz: What?! It's still able to get up! Tri Attack go!
Charmander was hit by Tri Attack before it can fire its Ember attack and knocked out.
Rize: Charmander you did your best!
Reinz: You're not good at all! Are you sure you're the Runner up in Johto Jr.League?
Rize: " Damn if only Swampert is here!"
Reinz: Prof! I decided not to bring Porygon with me and change to other Pokemon.
Prof.Oak: Ok, but why suddenly you change your mind?
Reinz: It's not good! I know that Charmander is a new Pokemon from you but it's not able to beat it in 1 hit! That's why I'm switching it with my other one.
Rize: Then why don't you train it to be stronger?
Reinz: Why must I if I have many other stronger Pokemon? Hahaha
Ryussei: The battle's dull but still a good fight for the first time.. I'm leaving now.. Bye Prof! Rize! Reinz! Let's meet again!
Rize, Ryussei and Reinz all of them left Prof.Oak's place and start their journey collecting Gym badges in the Kanto region to go into the Kanto League! The battle with Reinz is really an eye opener for Rize as he realized that he need to work extra hard than before in order to keep up with the other Trainers! Will he be able to?

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