Rize: " Damn it! I can't keep losing like this! Ever since I came to Kanto I have been losing all my battles! If only I have my other Pokemon and not these weaklings!" Look here! We lost yesterday because you are not good! You are weak!!
Charmander and Pidgey upon hearing that from Rize become so upset and disappointed of their new Trainer.
Rize: We're going to train hard in the Viridian Forest! The forest is full of Bug and Grass type Pokemon so it should be a good practice for you two!
So Rize went into the Viridian Forest to train his Pokemon.

A wild Pokemon appear to be idling in the grass area.

Rize: A Pokemon!
" Rattata the Mouse Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Rattata eats anything. Wherever there is food available, it will settle down and produce offspring continuously. "
Rattata the mouse Pokemon! Charmander go get it! Scratch attack!
The wild Rattata swiftly dodged Charmander's attack and used Quick Attack on Charmander!
Rize: What's wrong?! You can't even defeat a weak small Pokemon like that?!
Charmander become discouraged and the wild Rattata attack again with another Quick Attack and Charmander is knocked out and the wild Rattata fled.
Rize: Look! You're really useless! How can you lost to a Pokemon like that?! Are you really a Starter Pokemon from Prof.Oak?! I guess I chose the wrong Pokemon! I should have not picked you!
Charmander began to cry in tears and someone came up to Rize upon hearing his complains.

???: What kind of Trainer are you! Blaming and scolding your own Pokemon for your own defeat!
Rize: Who are you anyway?!
Satoshi: I'm Satoshi! Do you know that you are destroying your own Pokemon from that harsh complains?! It's your fault for that defeat! Not the Pokemon's fault!
Rize: What do you know about me?! If only I got my other stronger Pokemon right now I would not have lost against that Rattata! And the Viridian Gym too! Hopefully this Pokemon Egg will hatch into a strong Pokemon!
Suddenly something from above snatched Rize's Pokemon Egg and flew away.

Rize: What?! What's that bird Pokemon?!
" Fearow the Beak Pokemon. It is a Normal and Flying type. Fearow has the stamina to keep flying all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beaks. "
Satoshi: It's a Fearow! And a big one too! Hurry up we gotta get your Pokemon Egg back!
Rize: But how?! It's flying up high and getting away! I don't have a strong enough Pokemon to chase it! My little Pidgey won't be a match with that big Fearow!

Pidgey without being ordered took the initiative, flew and chase the Fearow bravely despite of their difference in size! Fearow seeing it being chased use a Wing Attack on Pidgey and Pidgey fell down to the ground.
Satoshi: I got enough of your excuses! Look! Your Pidgey despite of its little body it have a courage like a lion and face the Fearow for you bravely! Unlike you! Actually you're the one who is feared of the Fearow! Get over it! Pidgey needs your help!
Rize was shocked to hear the truth from Satoshi and began to realize his own mistake.
Rize: Right! Let's get the Pokemon Egg back! Will you help me too?
Satoshi: That's the spirit! Let's go!
Rize received the wake up call from Satoshi and back to his old senses and together with Satoshi they chased Fearow in order to get the stolen Pokemon Egg back. Will Rize be able to get his Pokemon Egg back? And most importantly of all, overcoming his fear.
Charmander Lv.18
ReplyDeletePidgey Lv.15
Rattata Lv.16
Fearow Lv.22