Rize: Charmander! Pidgeotto! Becareful!
Gastly and Haunter attacked using Night Shade attack and Charmander is hit with it but Pidgeotto seems to be unaffected.
Rize: Right! Normal Pokemon didn't take damage from Ghost type moves! Eevee help us out now! " Right! I forgot that Eevee only knows Normal type moves and Normal type moves can't affect Ghost type either! But.." Eevee use Helping Hand!
Eevee used helping hand and ready to help Pidgeotto and Charmander.
Rize: Charmander Flamethrower! Pidgeotto Aerial Ace!
Due to the power up from Eevee's helping hand, Haunter and Gastly is defeated.
Rize: Yes! Now I'm going to catch them so that they don't make anymore trouble!
Rize threw his Pokeball to catch the Gastly and Haunter but his Pokeball can't absorb them and went back to Rize.
Rize: "That's weird.. if I can't catch them that means they belong to somebody else.. That means somebody else is behind this!"
???: Hahahaa! Impressive! You managed to beat our Gastly and Haunter! Well done boy!
Rize: Who's there?! Show yourself!
The enemy showed themselves and it was non other than Rocket Grunts.
Rocket Grunt: You got guts for coming here boy! But we don't have mercy even with kids!
Rize: Rocket! I should have known!
Rocket Grunt: What?! You know about us?! Who are you?!
Rize: Where's Mr Fuji?!
Rocket Grunt: Hoho! That old man! I'll let your imagination to asnwer!
Rize: Pidgeotto Aerial Ace!
Rocket Grunt: Oh no you don't! Grimer block it!

Grimer blocked Pidgeotto's Aerial Ace attack with its thick body of sludge and then trapped Pidgeotto with its Body Slam attack.
Rize: Pidgeotto!!
" Grimer the Sludge Pokemon. It is Poison type. It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon's X-rays. It appears among filth. "
Rocket Grunt: Hahaha! Give it up!
Suddenly Grimer is attack from below of its body which is from the ground. It was Sandshrew with its Dig attack and Grimer is knocked out as it is super effective and Pidgeotto is freed.
Rocket Grunt: What?! When did that little?!
Rize: Haha! Give it up!
Suddenly another member of the Rocket Team showed up.

???: Pathetic! Being defeated by a mere boy!
Rocket Grunt: Sir Lambda I'm sorry! But I'm outnumbered!
Lambda: No excuse! I'll take care of this boy myself! Watch and learn from your senior! Weezing attack!

Lambda: Smog attack!
Rize: Pidgeotto Whirlwind to clear the Smog away! Then use Aerial Ace!
Weezing was hit with Aerial Ace.
Lambda: I got no choice! Weezing Tackle attack!
Weezing get near to Pidgeotto and Rize.
Lambda: Now Explosion!
Weezing used Explosion while it is close with Rize and his Pokemon resulting Pidgeotto, Sandshrew, Eevee and Charmander out of comission and even Rize himself badly injured.
Lambda: Hahaha! Take that! Now what can you do?! I still have other Pokemon to take care of you!
Rize: ugh! Poliwag Water Pulse!!

Lambda: Is that the best you got left?! Hypno use Psychic and blow that Water Pulse!

Hypno used Psychic and blew Poliwag's Water Pulse away. Things are looking very bad on Rize side, will he be able to save Mr.Fuji and get out of the Pokemon Tower alive?!
Charmander Lv.34
ReplyDeletePidgeotto Lv.30
Eevee Lv.20
Sandshrew Lv.28
Poliwag Lv.25
Gastly Lv.29
Haunter Lv.32
Grimer Lv.30
Weezing Lv.35