Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chapter 22 - Lavender Town is Haunted?!

Rize have finally reached Lavender Town but there is something strange with the city. A dark gloomy atmosphere is surrounding the town, it is very silent like a dead town and not many people are walking outside. Even if there is people, people are very unfriendly and don't talk to each other and avoiding strangers.
Rize: What's with this town?! Is that how they treat an outsider?!
Rize went to the Pokemon Centre and asked with the nurse what's up with the town and the nurse told him what happened.
Nurse: A few weeks ago, something terrible happened in this town. An unknown group of people came and attacked the Pokemon House and stole all the Pokemon there. However, one Pokemon died because of trying to protect and fight them. The Pokemon is Marowak it was trying to protect its baby Cubone. The owner of the Pokemon House, Mr Fuji can't stand it and went alone to save all the stolen Pokemon and to avenge Marowak's death as well. Since then the people in this town become paranoid with outsiders and strangers, some even tell stories of the town is haunted by a restless spirit of Marowak.
Rize: What a tragic story! Stealing and even killing Pokemon!! That's too much! Who are they?! Nurse you said that Mr. Fuji went to chase them alone right?! Where did he go?!
Nurse: He went to the top of the Pokemon Tower as the criminals are making that tower their hideout but he have not return yet till now.
Rize: Pokemon Tower huh?! Allright!
Rize dashed out of the Pokemon Centre and went straight to the Pokemon Tower to save the Pokemon and Mr Fuji.
Nurse: Wait! Don't go! Please!

Rize have entered the Pokemon Tower but it is so spooky inside and he didn't expect the place to be so scary as there are lot of dead bodies of Pokemon and a strange fog.
Rize: This is terrible! There are many dead bodies of Pokemon! Don't tell me that they killed all of the Pokemon living in this tower?!
Suddenly the dead bodies began to move and attack.
Rize: What?! They're moving?! How could they?! They're dead!
Rize ran away further up the tower but found that he have been surrounded by an army of dead Pokemon. He got no choice but to fight them.
Rize: I'm sorry! Charmander Flamethrower!
Charmander burned the dead Pokemon to ashes but there are just too many of them.
Rize: " Something or somebody must be controlling them! Afterall this is the enemy's hideout!" Pidgeotto blow the fogs and the dead bodies away with Whirlwind!
Pidgeotto blewed the fogs and the dead bodies and the room became clear and two unknown Pokemon can be seen now.

" Gastly the Gas Pokemon. It is a Ghost and Poison type. A Pokemon born from poison gases. It defeats even the largest foes by enveloping them in gas. This Pokemon's body is 95% made up of gases, which are blown away by strong gusts of wind. "

" Haunter the Gas Pokemon and the evolved form of Gastly. It is a Ghost and Poison type. It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering. "

Rize: Gastly and Haunter! Ghost type Pokemon! They must be the one controlling these dead bodies with their psychic abilities.
The Pokemon behind this have been revealed but where are the criminals who are responsible for all this things?!

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