Satoshi: I'll bring the Fearow down! You take care of the Egg! Make sure you catch it!
Rize: Got it!
Satoshi: Pikachu go use Thunder Wave on Fearow's wings!

Fearow's wings were jolted by Pikachu's Thunder Wave and fell down due to not being able to fly anymore but the Pokemon Egg fell too.
Rize: I'll get you safely Pokemon Egg!!
Rize caught the falling Pokemon Egg and secured it inside his bag.
Satoshi: Yes you made it! But it's not over yet!
The Fearow is angry and attacked Rize!
Satoshi: From here on you're on your own! Go beat the Fearow!
Rize: Right! Pidgey go use Quick Attack!
The Fearow was hit with Quick Attack but countered Pidgey with Drill Peck and Pidgey is seriously injured.
Rize: Pidgey!!
Pidgey with its strong and courage, still determined to take down Fearow begin to glow and evolved!

Satoshi: Awesome! Your Pidgey evolved into Pidgeotto!
" Pidgeotto the Bird Pokemon and the evolved form of Pidgey. It is a Normal and Flying type. Pidgeotto has outstanding vision. However high it flies, it is able to distinguish the movements of its prey. "
Rize: Allright!
Pidgeotto flapped its wings and blew a strong Whirlwind and blasted Fearow away.
Rize: You did it Pidgeotto! Great!
Satoshi: You see.. everything's comes from the mind! Once you overcome your fear and negative thougths you will proceed into a new level! I know that you're dissapointed about the broken Transfer Link System that you cannot get your Pokemon to be sent here but don't use that as an excuse, if you're a good Trainer no matter what condition you're in you will be able to win even with new Pokemon! You just have to develop your bond with them and train them and apply a useful strategy in battles! Power is not everything too!
Rize: Yes! I understand now! Thank you! Charmander, Pidgeotto, I'm so sorry for being to harshed and blaming you for my own fault. Now let's become stronger together!
Charmander and Pidgeotto hugged Rize and accepted Rize's offer.
Rize: Your Pikachu's strong too! You must be a good Trainer! By the way I'm Rize! How do you know that I'm upset about the Transfer Link System being broken down?
Satoshi: Haha yes ofcourse! Pikachu is my number 1 partner!

" Pikachu the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Pichu. It is an Electric type. Pikachu lives in forest with others. It stores electricity in the pouches in its cheeks. If it looses crackling power from the electric pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary. This intelligent Pokemon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat. "
Satoshi: Oh I knew about you from Prof.Oak! Haha I'm also a Trainer under Prof.Oak. He is worried about you so he assigned me to look for you! You're the Runner up of last year's Johto Jr.League right? I'm also the Runner up of Kanto Jr.League last two years ago.
Rize: Really! No wonder your Pikachu's so strong! Anyway let's get going now!
Satoshi: You go ahead, I'm planning to stay a bit longer in this forest!
Rize: I see! Ok! Thanks once again! I hope we can have a battle one day!
Satoshi: That day will definitely come! I'm waiting!
Rize parted way with his new friend Satoshi. With new burning spirits Rize will be stronger than ever! How much stronger can he get?
Pidgeotto Lv.19
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