" Bulbasaur the Seed Pokemon. It is a Grass and Poison type. Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight. There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the sun's rays, the seed grows progressively larger. "
Rize: Wow! A wild Bulbasaur! This is my chance! I always wanted to have one since at Prof.Oak's Lab! Charmander go!
The wild Bulbasaur noticed Rize and Charmander and fled.
Rize: Hey wait! You're not going anywhere!
Rize chased the wild Bulbasaur but lost track of it.
Rize: Damn! Where did that Bulbasaur ran off to? Pidgeotto help me search Bulbasaur from the air!
Rize kept searching for the Bulbasaur and end up to seeing something else. A group of yellow coloured Bug type Pokemon seems to be surrounding and picking on another Bug type Pokemon but a green coloured worm.

" Weedle the Hairy Pokemon. It is a Bug and Poison type. Weedle often found in forests and grasslands, eating leafs. It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches on top of its head. "
" Caterpie the Worm Pokemon. It is a Bug type. It is covered with a green skin. When it grows, it sheds the skin, cover itself with silk, and becomes a cocoon. Its short feet are tipped with suction pad that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls. "
Rize: The Weedles are picking on the little Caterpie! Hey knock it off! Leave the Caterpie alone!
The Weedle attacked Rize with Poison Sting attack and stopped Rize from coming near them.
Rize: You leave me no choice! Charmander go scare them using Ember attack!
The Weedle sees the fire from Charmander's Ember and fled away and Rize approached the injured Caterpie and treated its wound.
Rize: What a poor little thing.. Being bullied like that.
The group of Weedle went back to their nest and reported to their brothers which is the evolved form Kakuna.

The Kakunas becomes angry from the Weedles' story and evolved into Beedrills. The Swarm of Beedrills then went to attack Rize!

" Beedrill the Poison Bee Pokemon and the evolved form of Kakuna. It is Bug and Poison type. Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach its nest. If angered, it will attack in a furious swarm. It flies at high speed and attacks using the large venomous stingers on its forelegs and tail. "
Rize: Whoaa!! Swarm of Beedrills are attacking to us!!
Rize took the Caterpie along with him and ran but the Beedrill keep chasing them.
Rize: "Charmander wouldn't be able to fight all of them! If Pidgeotto came back it can use Whirlwind on them and blew them away! But Pidgeotto's not back yet!"
Rize ended up in a dead end and have no choice but to fight them all!
Rize: Oh no! We got no choice! Charmander go use Ember attack!
The Beedrill stopped their attacks upon seeing Charmander blasting Ember attack but some of them keep attacking from the sides of Charmander with Twineedle attack. Suddenly the wild Bulbasaur appeared and help drived the Beedrills attacking Charmander away with its Vine Whip attack.
Rize: Bulbasaur! "Since Bulbasaur is here Pidgeotto might be back soon!"
Pidgeotto came back and now on Rize side to fight the swarm of Beedrill!
Rize: Allright let's use our combination attack we practiced so hard yesterday Charmander and Pidgeotto! Ember and Gust attack!
The combination of the fire and the wind made the fire spread bigger and stronger and the Beedrills that got hit was knocked out and the rest of them realized the danger of it and fled away.
Rize: Allright we did it! Thanks to help from all of you! Bulbasaur do you want to come with us? We are going to travel around the region! It will be so much fun!
Bulbasaur saw Rize as a Trainer with a sense of justice protecting the weaks agreed to go along with him and since the Caterpie will not be safe in the forest due to the Beedrills and Weedles might come and attack it again, Rize decided take it too and now he got 2 new members in his team!
Pidgeotto Lv.20
ReplyDeleteCharmander Lv.20
Caterpie Lv.6
Bulbasaur Lv.18
Weedle Lv.7
Kakuna Lv.9
Beedrill Lv.17