Referee: The Pokemon Gym match between Rize the challenger and Rocky the Gym Leader is about to begin! It's a 2 on 2 Pokemon battle! Trainers begin!
Rocky: Graveler go!

Rize used his Pokedex to find out about Graveler.
" Graveler the Rock Pokemon. It is a Rock and Ground type. It rolls on mountain paths to move. Once it builds momentum, no Pokemon can stop it without difficulty. It eats a ton of rocks daily. "
Rize: This time I'm going to win! Bulbasaur go!
Rocky: Hahaha! Are you able to break through our solid rock defense? Come! Attack us from any angle!
Rize: Bulbasaur use Vine Whip!
Bulbasaur used Vine Whip and attacked Graveler but Graveler barely felt the hit.
Rocky: Weak! Graveler use Rock Blast!
Graveler used Rock Blast and fired lots of Rocks to Bulbasaur!
Rize: Bulbasaur stay strong! Use Bullet Seed!
Bulbasaur used Bullet Seed and destroyed the rocks from Rock Blast to tiny pieces and hit Graveler.
Rocky: Haha! And? Nothing can break trough my Graveler's defense! Wha.. what?!
Graveler is knocked out from the Bullet Seed as its body have lots of cracks.
Referee: Graveler is unable to battle! Bulbasaur wins!
Rocky: You got me off guard! Now Rhyhorn go!

" Rhyhorn the Spikes Pokemon. It is a Ground and Rock type. Rhyhorn's body is clad in a thick hide, and its tackles topples buildings. Unfortunately it is not smart. It doesn't care if there is anything in its way. It just charges and destroys all obstacles. "
Rocky: Rhyhorn use Horn Attack!
Rhyhorn charged and hit Bulbasaur with Horn Attack!
Rize: Bulbasaur use Razor Leaf!
Sharp leafs like a cutting razors went flying and pierced onto Rhyhorn but altough it was extremely effective, Rhyhorn's rock armor was still hard enough to protect it from fatal damage.
Rocky: Haha! Now use Megahorn!
Rize: It's dangerous! Dodge it!
Bulbasaur dodged Rhyhorn's Megahorn attack as Rhyhorn's speed is slow.
Rize: Leech Seed!
Bulbasaur planted a seed that grows into vine that keep sucking Rhyhorn's energy.
Rocky: Damn you cheater! Megahorn!
This time Bulbasaur got hit by Megahorn and knocked out.
Referee: Bulbasaur's knocked out! Rhyhorn wins!
But the leech seed keeps sucking Rhyhorn's energy.
Rize: Charmander finish it!
Rocky: Are you kidding? Using a Fire type against a Rock type?! Go use Rock Blast!
Rhyhorn tried to fire Rock Blast but it looks like it is running out of energy to use it.
Rize: Charmander Metal Claw!(Charmander learned Metal Claw)
Rhyhorn was hit hard with Metal Claw.
Rize: How's that?! It looks like the Leech Seed is troubling you huh? I'll get it off for you!
Rocky: Yes please!
Rize: Charmander Flamethrower!(Charmander improved Ember and now is Flamethrower)
Rhyhorn was burned with Flamethrower along with the Leech Seed and the Leech Seed is gone but Rhyhorn is already knocked out.
Referee: Rhyhorn lost! Charmander wins! Rize the challenger wins the match!
Rocky: I can't believe I lost!

Brock: Nice battle! Here take the Medium Boulder Badge to prove your victory of this Gym!
Rize: Thanks! This is my first Gym badge in Kanto!
Rize have got himself his first Kanto Gym badge which is the Boulder badge. What Gym is next?
Bulbasaur Lv.20
ReplyDeleteCharmander Lv.22
Graveller Lv.24
Rhyhorn Lv.26