Prof.Birch: Hey Rize! Ready for your new adventure?!
Rize: Yup! Everything is ready, now I'm going to fetch Swampert and set off now!
Prof.Birch: Sure.. Wait here I'll call Swampert for you.

Rin: Hey Rize! You're going on an adventure again this time to the Kanto region huh.. There should be many Pokemon that we haven't see yet.
Rize: That's why I'm goin there! I really can't wait for it!
Rin: You were so close last time in the League! Now that you're in the Middle Category the Gyms and opponents will be tougher and stronger!
Rize: Yea! But I'm not going to lose! We're going to win'em all!
Prof.Birch: Hey Rize! It looks like Swampert and the rest of your Pokemon is having a good time together.. It's been a long time since they spend time together so why don't you leave first without Swampert. When you've reached Prof.Oak's Lab in Kanto I can send Swampert there in an instant! Prof.Oak will be the one responsible for you in Kanto! Say my regards to him!
Rize: I see.. ok then.. that's great! I'll see you all again on December ok! Take care Prof! Rin!
And so Rize set sail alone to the Kanto region without any single Pokemon on his hand but he have a new Pokemon Egg from Ling's Grandma from the Johto Day Care Centre. After 2 days.. the Ship finally arrived to the Kanto region at Pallet Town.

Rize: Finally I have reached the Kanto region! I've seen lots of Flying Pokemon in the sky along the way! I wonder what Pokemon they are!
Rize arrived in Pallet Town and went to Prof.Oak's Laboratory.

Prof.Oak: Hi! Welcome! You must be Rize aren't you! I've been waiting for your arrival!
Rize: Good afternoon! Yes I'm Rize! Nice meeting you Prof.Oak!
Prof.Oak: So how do you feel about Kanto Rize?
Rize: It's a very awesome place! I'm sure I will meet lots of awesome Pokemon here!
Prof.Oak: Haha yes ofcourse.. Ahh I heard that you're the Runner Up of last year's Johto League Jr.Category is it? You must be a very skilled Trainer! I have a grandson but he is a year older than you. He is the Champion of Kanto League Jr.Category 2 years ago.
Rize: Wow! Is your grandson here now? I would like to meet him!
Prof.Oak: He's off into his adventures few days ago already! Ah by the way can I see your Pokemon? I would love to see Pokemon from the Hoenn region as it is a rare sight here in Kanto.
Rize: Oh yes! I must call Prof.Birch to send my Pokemon here!
Prof.Oak: You mean you don't bring your Pokemon with you now?
Rize: Yes!
Prof.Oak: Hmm.. I'm so sorry Rize but it appears that you won't be able to get your Pokemon sent to here.
Rize: Eh?! But why?!
Rize already can't wait to get his Pokemon from Prof.Birch to be sent to him but what does Prof.Oak's mean by he can't get his Pokemon to be sent there?! Find out on the next chapter!
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