Referee: Begin!
Rize: Tyrogue go!

John: Machop go!

" Machop the Superpower Pokemon. It is a Fighting type. Machop hefts a GRAVELER repeatedly to strengthen its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts."
John: Machop use Karate Chop!
Rize: Fake Out!
Tyrogue used Fake Out on Machop and Machop is flinched.
Rize: Now! Mach Punch!
Tyrogue used Mach Punch and hit Machop with lightning speed and Machop is knocked out thus making Rize won the first round and ofcourse Chuck also won the first round. After all participants have finished their battle, Rize's round two is coming.
Referee: Begin!
Rize: Tyrogue let's win again!
Johny: How dare you beat my little brother! Machoke let's teach them a lesson!

" Machoke the Superpower Pokemon and the evolved form of Machop. It is a Fighting type. MACHOKE's boundless power is very dangerous, so it wears a belt that suppresses its energy. It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people. "
Rize found out that Machoke is the evolved form of Machop.
Rize: Hee.. so the family raised the same Pokemon! This should be easy!
Johny: Easy?! You don't know my Machoke yet!
Rize: Fake Out!
Tyrogue used Fake Out and flinched Machoke.
Rize: Now use Mach Punch!
Tyrogue followed it up with a fast Mach Punch but Machoke didn't move at all from its spot and standing strong.
Johny: Yeah? Vital Throw!
Machoke used Vital Throw and threw Tyrogue hard and Tyrogue is exhausted and barely could stand again.
Rize: Come on Tyrogue! You can't lose against him! Show me the result of your training with Mr.Chuck!
Tyrogue tried very hard to stand up and it succeeded and begin to evolve.
Rize: Hitmontop?!
But it turned out that Tyrogue did not evolve into a Hitmontop but to a completely unknown Pokemon to Rize.

Rize checked with his Pokedex and learned about Hitmonchan.
" Hitmonchan the Punching Pokemon and one of the evolved form of Tyrogue. It is a Fighting type. The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting. "
Johny: Oh no!
Rize: Allright! Hitmonchan Bulk Up!
Hitmonchan used Bulk Up and raised its attack and defense level.
Johny: Machoke finish it with one strike! Submission attack!
Rize: Double Team!
Hitmonchan used Double Team and made illusionary copies of itself and confused Machoke.
Rize: Brick Break!
Machoke is knocked out with the Brick Break attack and Rize proceeded to the final round and his last opponent is non other than Cianwood Gym Leader Chuck! Will Rize be able to win against the open category Gym Leader?!
Tyrogue Lv.32
ReplyDeleteMachop Lv.25
Machoke Lv.35
Hitmonchan Lv.37