Rize: Where's this place?! It's so dark! It looks like I'm in a cave!
Suddenly a group of Zubat flew to Rize direction.

Rize: What are those Pokemon?!
" Zubat the Bat Pokemon. It is a Poison and Flying type. Disliking sunlight, it sleeps deep in forests and caves until sundown. Even though it has no eyes, it can sense obstacles using ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth. "
Rize: Zubat?! They live in caves! That means I must be in some kind of cave! That damn Pyschic girl! I'll have a rematch and make her apologize! Hey what are those Pokemon? They're so small and so many of them! I wonder where they're going!

" Diglett the Mole Pokemon. It is a Ground type. A Pokemon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight. "
Rize followed the Digletts hoping that they will lead him to the exit of the cave but the Diglett found out of Rize presence. They dig underground and came out below Rize spot where he stands and brings him to somewhere deep inside the cave.
Rize: Hey where do you think you're bringing me to?!
Suddenly a different species of Pokemon came out from the ground. The Digglet upon seeing that Pokemon left Rize and chased the wild Pokemon and the wild Pokemon begin to run underground again.

Rize checked his Pokedex.
" Sandshrew the Mouse Pokemon. It is a Ground type. To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall. "
Rize: It's a Sandshrew!
It looks like fight is taking place underground and Sandshrew is forced out of the ground badly hurt.
Rize: Hey what do you think you all doing?! Leave the Sandshrew alone!
The Diglett became angry at Rize and going to attack him too.
Rize: What is it?! You guys wanna battle?! Pidgeotto go! You won't be able to attack my Pidgeotto on air!
Suddenly another Pokemon came out from the ground in the middle of Rize and the Diglett.

Rize checked his Pokedex again.
" Dugtrio the Mole Pokemon and the evolved form of Diglett. It is a Ground type. Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles. "
Rize: Dugtrio?! You must be the boss here! What do you guys want actually?!
Dugtrio explained to Pidgeotto and Pidgeotto landed on the ground and refused to fight anymore.
Rize: What's wrong Pidgeotto?
The Dugtrio and the Diglett went somewhere and Pidgeotto wanted Rize to follow it. Rize understood and take the injured Sandshrew with him and they reached the exit of the cave from Dugtrio and Diglett's help of direction. There's a sign saying Diglett Cave on the entrance of the cave.
Rize: Now I see.. This is your habitat and you don't wanna have other Pokemon in your area right? I get it, I'll be taking the Sandshrew to the Pokemon Centre and leave you guys alone! Rize took the Sandshrew to the Pokemon Centre in Vermillion City and Sandshrew is back to top shape again.
Rize: Hey Sandshrew, do you have anywhere to go? If not why don't you come with us and be strong together?
Sandshrew has taken a liking to Rize since it has been saved by him and agreed to come with Rize! Rize have gotten a new member in his team but wait he already have 6 Pokemon in his party! Rize then send Butterfree over to Bill's place. The Vermillion City Gym is an Electric type Gym! Will Rize's capture of Sandshrew be a good use for his upcoming Gym battle?
Sandshrew Lv.20
ReplyDeleteZubat Lv.14
Digglet Lv.12
Dugtrio Lv.30