Trainer: Nidoran together use Poison Sting!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge! Charmander use Flamethrower and burn the Poison Stings!
Sandshrew used Dig and knocked out Nidoran(m) and Charmander's Flamethrower knocked out Nidoran(f) too.
Rize: Yes! That's great Sandshrew! You must be ready for the Gym battle!
Rize then hurried to the Gym and make a challenge.
Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Denki is about to begin! It's a 2 on 2 Pokemon battle! Begin!
Denki: I'll shock all your Pokemon to death! Raichu go!

" Raichu the Mouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Pikachu. It is an Electric type. Raichu can loose 100,000-volt bursts of electricity, instantly downing foes several times its size. Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked. It turns aggressive if it has too much electricity in its body. "
Rize: Really?? Sandshrew go!

Denki: Tch! A Ground type! Raichu use Iron Tail!
Rize: Sandshrew use Dig to dodge then attack!
Raichu missed its attack and hit by Sandshrew's Dig.
Denki: Grab Sandshrew with your tail!
Sandshrew was binded with Raichu's tail.
Denki: Prepare to use Hyper Beam!
Rize: Sandshrew break free using Rapid Spin quick!
Sandshrew broke free from the bind with Rapid Spin and dodged Raichu's Hyper Beam and Raichu can't move due to the aftermath of using Hyper Beam.
Rize: Chance! Sandshrew use Slash attack!
Sandshrew hit Raichu with Slash attack twice and Raichu is knocked out.
Referee: Raichu is unable to battle! Sandshrew wins!
Denki: You dirty! Electabuzz! Time for revenge!

" Electabuzz the Electric Pokemon and the evolved form of Elekid. It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime. "
Rize: No matter what you won't win against my Ground type Sandshrew! Sandshrew use Dig!
Denki: Hm! You think it will work again? Electabuzz use Brick Break on the ground!
Electabuzz made a shock to the ground by hitting the ground with Brick Break and Sandshrew is forced to come out looked injured.
Rize: Fine then! Sandshrew Rapid Spin!
Denki: Brick Break again!
Sandshrew attacked with Rapid Spin but Electabuzz smashed it with Brick Break like a Volley Ball and it was knocked back and out of the match.
Judge: Sandshrew is unable to battle! Electabuzz wins!
Rize: "Damn! If Sandshrew's out the only one who can match with that strong Electabuzz is this one!" Charmander go!

Denki: A little Charmander! Man how old are you? Evolve your Pokemon already!
Rize: Shut up! Charmander Flamethrower!
Denki: Protect!
Electabuzz created a barrier and protected itself from the Flamethrower.
Denki: Electabuzz use Brick Break!
Rize: Don't let it get near you! Flamethrower!
Electabuzz was hit by Flamethrower before it can get close to use Brick Break.
Denki: Tch! In that case Light Screen!
Electabuzz created a Light Screen barrier to protect it from Charmander's Flamethrower.
Rize: Flamethrower again!
Denki: Brick Break!
Electabuzz charged in to the Flamethrower but because of Light Screen it manage to get near Charmander and hit with Brick Break.
Rize: Charmander Dragon Rage!
Denki: Protect!
Electabuzz once again protected itself with the Protect barrier.
Denki: Finish this with Thunder Electabuzz!!
Electabuzz striked a Thunder attack on Charmander and Charmander is greatly injured.
Rize: Charmander! Don't give up!
Charmander fiery determination burned up and its special abillity Blaze is activated!
Rize: Allright Flamethrower full power go!
Electabuzz took the Flamethrower attack and knocked out despite of the Light Screen defense.
Referee: Electabuzz is down! Charmander wins! Rize and Charmander is the winner!
Denki: Just how strong that little Charmander is when Blaze activated! That's unbelievable!

Lt.Surge: Never underestimate your opponent! That's the key of winning the war! Now boy here take your Medium Thunder Badge!
Rize battled hard and finally wins his third Kanto badge which is the Thunder Badge. What Gym will be next? When will Rize be ready to challenge the Saffron Gym?!
Nidoran (Male) Lv.23
ReplyDeleteNidoran (Female) Lv.21
Sandshrew Lv.26
Charmander Lv.33
Raichu Lv.30
Electabuzz Lv.32